The Broker looked up at his, "An occupational hazard, I'm sure, in your line of work."

"Some machine-headed freak, working for a dude named Ronan."

The Broker stopped everything, "Ronan?" He came around the table, "I'm sorry, Mr. Quill. I truly am. But I want no part of this transaction if Ronan is involved." He shoved the Orb into Peter's chest and began pushing him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Peter fought against him, "Who's Ronan?"

"A Kree fanatic, outraged by the peace treaty, who will not rest until Xandarian culture, my culture, is wiped from existence!" The Broker continued to push him.

"Whoa, whoa! Come on." Peter tried to get him to stop.

"He's someone whose bad side I'd rather no be on."

"What? What about my bad side?" Peter asked.

The Broker waved his hands, opening the shop doors, "Farewell, Mr. Quill."

With one last shove, Peter was out of the shop. The door closed in his face.

"Hey, we had a deal, bro!" He yelled.

He looked to his right, spotting Thea leaned up against the side of a building. Beside her was Gamora, who was eating a piece of fruit she had snagged.

Peter turned his gaze to Thea, taking in her short stature. He thought she way beautiful. Her brown eyes faired against her orange skin and her white forehead markings peaked his interest. Her purplish hair complimented her pink top and skirt combo.

His gaze was diverted from Thea when Gamora began speaking, "What happened?"

"Ah, this guy just backed out of a deal on me. If there's on thing I hate, it's a man without integrity. Peter Quill. People call me Star-Lord." He introduced himself, mainly looking at Thea.

A spark went off in Thea's head, "Peter Quill." She muttered to herself, looking down at the floor.

"You have the bearing of a man of honor." Gamora commented.

"Well, you know, I would say that." He tossed the Orb in the air, the shiny ball quickly catching Thea's attention, "People say it about me, all the time, but it's not something I would ever say about myself."

Thea quickly moved in, Peter too distracted by his rambling. She quickly kicked him in the stomach, causing his to loose his hold on the Orb. Gamora quickly grabbed the Orb before it fell to the ground and began running.

Peter groaned, looking at the orange girl. He made eye contact with her, causing her to smirk and wave at him, before transforming into a blue wisp.

Peter was caught off guard by her transformation and watched as the blue apparition followed after Gamora.

Gamora knocked people out her way as she continued to run. Peter launched a trap at the green woman, it wrapping around her legs. She quickly fell to the ground, causing Thea to transform back into herself. She turned around to see Peter coming towards them.

Thea grabbed the Orb as Peter launched himself at Gamora. As Gamora struggled to release herself, Thea sent a gust of wind that knocked him to the ground beside Gamora.

Peter groaned as Gamora, completely untangled, punched him multiple times in the face. She landed a hit to his stomach and a kick to his face.

He went to reach for his blaster, but Thea stepped on his arm, "This wasn't the plan." A thorn began to grow from her hand.

Just as she was about to stab him, Rocket launched himself at her, causing her to loose the Orb.

"Put him in the bag. Put him in the bag!" Rocket urged Groot.

Guardians of the Galaxy: In A Moonage Daydream [1] Peter QuillWhere stories live. Discover now