Chapter 5 - Mediation

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“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his father’s name written in their foreheads…

And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth.”



   “Dad, do you think you could watch Chloe for me next Wednesday night?”

   It was late, and Chloe was with Alexis. I decided to visit my dad as I had not seen him for a couple of weeks, and I did not want him to think that I was neglecting him.

   “That depends.” he teased, even though I knew very well he would drop everything for her no matter what. “Where are you going?”

   “I’m going to this psychic festival.”

Dad’s face made it apparent that he seemed to find that concept rather amusing. “The girls from work are all going, but I don’t really want to.” I told him. 

   “Why not?”

    I shuffled my feet around on the floor awkwardly. I hated talking to my dad about issues like this. “Well, all the girls are loved up, they’re either married or engaged.”

   Upon hearing dad’s reply to that, I ended up wishing that I had said nothing. I should have known what he was going to say to that.

   “Why don’t you ask Alexis?” he suggested hopefully. What was his obsession with Alexis? He seemed to think the sun shone out of his backside.

   “Oh dad come on, I’m not asking Alexis!”

   “Why not?” he argued.

   “How many times do I have to tell you, we aren't together any more!” I stressed. He just did not get it, did he? Alexis and I could barely stand each other’s company.

   “Ask him. I’m sure Alexis would go with you, and you never know, she might tell you that you’re meant to be together after all, this clairvoyant.”

   “What clairvoyant? I might not see a clairvoyant!”

   “You will.” he affirmed. Why was he so sure?

   “Dad, will you give it up. I am not going with Alexis. Not in a million years.” I snapped stubbornly.

   “I think you’d be making a mistake if you didn’t.”

   “Why do you like him so much?”

   “I think he’s a truly decent bloke.”

   Despite our differences I could not strictly disagree with him there, though it did not change the fact that he was delving into something that had already been tried and tested, something which had been well worn out.

   So what did I do? I went with Alexis.

   I gave him a call the day after (once I had had time to think about it, though I was sure it was probably better for my sanity if I did not think about it too much) and his acceptance seemed just a little too enthusiastic. I could be mistaken, he may have just been being friendly. 

   He drove us to the venue, and true to form, driving in the car with Alexis was quiet and uncomfortable. Alexis also possessed a Harley Davidson motorbike which his father had given him, and I can tell you that I was deeply relieved that he did not suggest that we go on that. It was hard enough being around him as it was, without having to hold onto him. Too much closeness.

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