Chapter 3 - Amongst the Obscurity

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“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free…”


The Gospel of St John

   It was a moonless night when Chloe had just gone to bed, and I was ready to relax and watch a few crap programmes on the TV with a cup of coffee. I know, it was a mindless thing to do, but I probably would not end up watching it anyway. I gave the channels the benefit of the doubt for a while but there was nothing really worth watching. Approximately three of my cats tried to sit on my lap at once, and then there were two more squeezing themselves onto the end of the couch, while the rest were sleeping soundly on the rug before the fire. Generally, if I was going to watch TV at all I liked watching things that required you to think a little, but nowadays it seemed that nobody liked to think. In the old days, we had about two channels with every programme being great and watch-able; nowadays we had a million channels of crap. It was a downright shame.  

   The more time went on, the more I was beginning to believe that the human race had become nothing more that a load of mindless drones, despite the assumption that we were supposed to evolve as time went on. Instead we seemed to be going the other way. Some of us seemed to be getting stupider. I sighed heavily at the miserable thought and then leaned back. I blinked…

and suddenly the TV was off.

   The power could not have gone because all the lights were still on. The cats who had previously been seated on my lap had gone. I glanced at the clock and was alarmed to see it was seven O’clock. Just a second ago it had been six. What the hell was going on? There was no way I had fallen asleep because I was sitting up, in exactly the same place as was a moment ago. After a few seconds of adjusting I noticed that I was gripping a pen and paper. I looked at the paper pad to see pages upon pages scrawled in messy handwriting. I knew that it was my handwriting, but it made no sense to me how it could be. How did the pen and paper find its way into my hands in the first place? And in such a short time? I glared at the paper, bewildered, and initially I panicked; what, was I suffering from amnesia or something? My head was all over the place. It had not even been a split second! I squinted at the paper in an attempt to read it, but it was very difficult as the writing was so bad. It was worse than Chloe’s, and yet somehow I could still tell that it was mine.

   It took a while as I could barely make it out, and I was still flustered by the fact that I had lost an hour of my life. I picked out a few words which I could just make out.

Wave… veiled…eruption…awaken… light body… controlled… draconian…ascension…


   I had heard these words before. All my life they were there in my head, in my dreams, somewhere in my subconscious; they even came out in my schoolwork somehow without my knowing why, and I had lived with them for so long they had sort of become numb in my mind. They certainly had never really registered as anything of significance with me. I tried squinting some more but that did nothing. I was too tired and too confused to work out what that indecipherable scrawl said, so I decided that I was going to tackle it tomorrow in the daylight.

   I was awoken the next morning by somebody pounding on the door downstairs, followed by what sounded like Alexis bellowing.

   “Sophie! Sophie!”

   Well. Considering I had lost an hour of my life, I was clearly not so bewildered by that I was going to lose sleep over it, seeing as I had managed to fall aleep so efficiently.

   I rolled over, still semi-conscious and glanced at my alarm clock. Half nine AM. What the hell was he up to? I dragged myself out of bed as cats poured themselves out of my quilt angrily due to the disturbance.

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