After work, I threw on a purple tank top and a pair of black yoga pants. I had decided to go see Asia and then to go to the park for my workout routine.

Asia was at the dance studio, which was about two two miles from my house. Asia was a dancer, but she also a cheerleader. Usually every weekend, Asia would be at the dance studio. So sometimes, I would go see her there.

When I got to the studio, I found Madame Pierre, Asia's dance teacher. I immediately rolled my eyes, making sure Madame Pierre didn't see.
Anytime I saw Madame Pierre, I was forced to brace myself for her insults. Trust me when I say, that the lady didn't like me. And I didn't like her either. So, it was even.

I didn't know how Asia could stand this teacher. She told me though, that Madame Pierre treated her like her like she was her very own granddaughter. I didn't understand that though, because Madame Pierre acted like she hated every soul on this whole universe.

Maybe she discriminated dancers and non-dancers.

Who knows?

I mean I was a non- dancer. During my third grade year, Asia and I took this class together. But my dancing was so bad that Madame Pierre gave up teaching me, and literally kicked me out the studio.

"Hello, miss Monica." She said nonchalantly. I gave her a fake smile.

"Hi, Madame." I said. I walked away from her and stood in front of the glass-less window looking into the room Asia was in. The song "Sorry" by Justin Bieber came on and Asia's body started moving to the rhythm of the song.

Watching her dance could make anybody jealous. The way she moved her arms so gracefully to the song, and the way she could master any impossible dance skill, made me watch in awe.

"See, you could never be like her. You were a terrible dancer." I heard Madame Pierre say from behind me.
I glared at her. She knew that that was a touchy subject for me and that I was already jealous of Asia's skills. She knew d*mn well that a dancer was what I always wanted to be. And she used it against me.

I decided to ignore her and say nothing. I watched as Asia finished her dance routine. My lips turned up as I thought, maybe I can't dance. But I can sing, something Asia or Madame Pierre could never do.

"Monica!" Asia grinned at me. I walked up to her and gave her a huge hug.

She said something to me but I didn't hear her. I was too busy feeling guilty. Guilty for being jealous of my best friend for doing what she did best.

"Well, I gotta hurry up and go home." I heard Asia say after some mines together. I nodded and finally we separated.

I walked quickly to the park. It was beginning to get dark but I had enough time to run at least a mile.

I jogged around the whole park until I was too tired to move. So, I went and sat on one of the swings. I wasn't working out because I was fat or anything. I hated working out. But, I still did it because it was a way to challenge myself.

And besides, I wanted to be more fit. Like I said, I wasn't fat, but I definitely wasn't skinny. And I wasn't trying to be skinny. I was trying to be fit. But that probably would not work, since I still had five bags of hot fries somewhere in my room.

I started flexing my arms, just to see how fit I really was.

Then I heard a voice from behind me. "What are you doing?"

I didn't see the person but I was so surprised, my feet got caught in one of the swing's ropes and I fell on the ground, with my face on the dirt and butt sticking out into the air.

I looked up to find Alex looking at me with a mixed concern face and amused face. His hand stuck out for me to grab unto.

I groaned and got up, ignoring his hand.

I was so freaking embarrassed.

"Really, Alex?!" I growled at his handsome face. "So you just sneak on people? Ughh! So stupid!"

His face which was mixed with concern and amusement was now full of amusement. He started to laugh.

I stomped away from him. I hated being embarrassed. I wasn't really mad at Alex. I was just so embarrassed that he just saw me in this moment.

I heard Alex call my name but I ignored him. If I didn't, I probably would be embarrassing myself more than I already had.

I was almost a mile from him when I realized something. There was a question I had to ask him.

Tough Girl Out, Soft Girl InWhere stories live. Discover now