Chapter 1: Truro / Cornwall - September 6, 1960.

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My name is Yasmin Perez Silveira. Today is eleven years old. My mother is organizing a small birthday party for me and asked me to invite my classmates. Before you start to my birthday party was to tell my adaptation to the city of Truro during these nine months:

My father started working in January in the main city newspaper as an intern journalist at the sports. He is very happy with his new job. My mother could nurse job at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in May.

My parents look for several schools where I could study until they knew Truro School was one of the best in town, but the tuition was too expensive. So they knew I could get a scholarship in school if I was part of the choir of the Truro Cathedral School. I sing very well, as my parents comment. I'm actually only participating in the choir because of the scholarship. I have no desire to be a singer or musician, I want to be a journalist like my father. A very famous journalist, who is known worldwide.

I auditioned for the choir in May and spent. My parents were very happy and me too. In the same period, I met a little boy, much taller than me, white boy, blue eyes the color of the sky and short blond hair. It seems such a beautiful angel that is. His name is Roger Meddows Taylor. He also auditioned for the choir and went. I was impressed by his talent. He has a beautiful, husky voice, reaching the highest marks, much better than me.

Roger quickly and I made a great friendship for sing in the choir and also studying in the same class at Truro School. And we live next too. He lives three blocks from my house. He has completed eleven years in July 26. His parents made a small birthday party to it and I was invited along with my parents.

Michael's father Roger and his mother Winifred quickly made friends with my parents. Roger has a younger sister, seven years called Clare. She is the Roger copy: bright white, blue eyes and blond hair. Very beautiful.

I divide my time at Truro School in Truro Cathedral School and also in Portuguese classes particular my parents pay a Brazilian teacher who lives in the city. They say that even living in England I am Brazilian and I can not forget my roots and I keep learning the language. I have class Portuguese on Saturdays.

During the four months that Roger and I met he told me he wants to be in the future, but before he promised me not to laugh at him. He said he would never laugh at a dream he has. Then he told me that his dream is to be a successful musician.

I told him that for sure will succeed, but he also needs to keep studying hard. Roger can play ukelele and is now learning to play guitar on their own. But he confessed that he also wants to learn to play drums. My friend is very smart, not just for music but in school subjects like science, English, history, besides having a passion for cars.

Over those four months I have taught a few words in Portuguese. And it has learned easily. Roger surprises me more and more.

Going back to my birthday, my mother called some of my classmates, including Layla, Victoria, Paul with their parents and also Roger with his parents and sister Clare.

There were savory and sweet that my mother had ordered, in addition to the chocolate cake so much love. I am chocoholic. Around six o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday Roger came to my house with his parents and his sister Clare and was hugging me tightly:

- Rog that way you will stifle me.- I smile.

- No complains from my embrace, Yasmine. - He smiled beautifully for me. - Here's your present. I hope you enjoy.

I opened the large package that was on a Hot Pink paper and there was a big teddy bear of the cutest puppy: Snoopy. I remained silent for a moment, surprised at the wonderful gift.

- Do you like this, Yasmine? - Roger asked worriedly.

- I did not like, I loved your gift, Rog. I love Snoopy. It is the very cute teddy bear. - I smile hugging him tightly.

- Happy birthday, my best friend. - Said smiling - we promise that we will be friends forever?

- I promise you, Rog. I want to be her best friend even when we're well elderly.

Then his parents and sister greeted me and then came Paul, Layla and Victoria with their parents. Roger and Paul were great friends as well.

By ten o'clock all sang happy birthday to me and my mom cut the cake distributed to guests.

Before leaving, Roger was with his father to the car and took off his ukelele. I looked at him blankly.

He called me to go to the garden of my house with him. The followed. When we reached the garden sat on a bench that was there. Roger said:

- Before you go home, I will sing and play happy birthday to you in his honor.

I smiled and nodded, waiting for him to start.

He began playing the ukelele the notes congratulations to you and sing to me. I got emotional. I did not expect Rog was singing to me on my birthday.

Roger sings so sweet and so well played his ukulele when he finished kissed him on the cheek affectionately and said:

- Thank you so much my dear. I'm even excited. You're my best friend, forever. What I have to do to repay you for the beautiful birthday present I won and sing and play for me?

Little Roger said:

- It is always with me, Yasmine, at all times. It is always by my side. This is what I want. Do not leave me never.

Then she kissed fondly my face and held me very strong.

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