Chapter 14 - Friends again.

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- Foreign Yasmin. - He sits on his bed with a sigh. I'm still standing next to it. - Call me Yasmine. - I said quietly to him. 

- Rog, we're idiots. We talk things and done things that hurt us deeply. But I do not hate you. I spoke lip service. He was angry that day. I love you and no longer stand the situation we are in. You're my best friend. Everyone knows it. I messed up ugly with you to lie, but I swear I will never lie to you. 

I approach him anymore. He is head down. 

I sit beside him. 

- Look at me, please, Rog. 

He continues with his head down. 

I lift your face and your face is bathed in tears. 

- Forgive me Angel. I'm really bad to have him hurt. We are idiots, Roger. That is the truth. And though we do not live without each other. I wanted to save it at the beginning of the idea that he had to go to Oxford and wrong at this point. You learned the hard way that Oxford had chosen as a priority of my studies. I saw the lie got you bad. I was stupid. But I am deeply sorry. 

Roger looked at me in silence still crying. Suddenly he held me tight. 

- I forgive you, because I love you. - He said quietly to me. - I can not live without you, babe.

He puts his head on my shoulder and I fondly on her beautiful short blonde hair.

Gradually he calms down and is still silent. I kiss your head and say:

- I will not abandon it. - Smile at him.

He looks at me blankly:

- As well, Yasmine? You will leave soon to Oxford. I will go to London. I promise to give you a way to see each other from time to time. It will not be forever, but I promise you ...

- Roger, I do not go to Oxford ...

A genuine smile appears on your face after a long time.

- You mean that...

- I will study in London, Rog. I was happy to have spent at Oxford, but could not bear to stay away from Paul, Layla, Victoria and especially you. And I've been researching the Journalism College in London is excellent. I will have great opportunities for jobs and stay with the people I love.

I fondly on Roger's face. He grinned and hugged me stronger and kissed my face several times.

- My Princess, I promise you it will give us very well in London. We always together, even studying in different campuses. We'll have the weekend to see ourselves, the holidays.

- I'll take care of you, Rog. I will live with Layla and Victoria, but occasionally visit their apartment. I know you're a disaster in the kitchen, sometimes will cook for Paul and you will want ... 

- Of course I want. You cook very well, princess.

He hugs me warmly and then opens his desk drawer . 

- Put back on his arm. - He says smiling handing me the bracelet .

- But we had thrown on the ground , Rog . Thought had been lost forever. 

- I took the floor silly. Do you really think I would throw in the trash ? - He smiles at me . 

I asked him to put back into my arm. He put the bracelet . Then I put his. 

We lay in bed listening to music and we embraced . He sang in my ear the songs of The Beatles I asked . Rog has a wonderful voice. His voice is hoarse and he easily sings the high notes of a song. It does an incredible falsetto with the voice that I can not. 

Love or friendship? That is the question - First seasonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora