Chapter 7 - Father and son

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Elisa after having broken courtship, Roger also spent a few sad days. But Paul, Layla, Victoria and I gave him advice, we are at your side all the time, the supporting. Elisa turned away from us, shame, after all now everyone in school knew she played with the feelings of Roger and the first chance went to William. I really wanted Elisa stay away from us, especially Roger. I do not want my friend suffering for love. In the second fortnight of May another event deeply shook the emotional side of Roger. It was a Friday, we were the last class of the day: chemistry. I was doing a work in duo with Roger. I am a denial to the field of chemistry. So I copied the statements on the blackboard the teacher had passed and then Rog solved the 10 chemical issues quickly, again explaining to me all formulas again. Rog is too smart in all subjects. If he did not have the pretension of being a musician, I'm sure he would be a great chemist or physicist and win a Nobel Prize. With the end of school Roger and I said goodbye to Paul, Layla and Victoria and would see tomorrow in the presentation of the band The Reaction at a birthday party for a classmate. We went to the school parking lot, Roger was the car of his mother. She had lent him. I got in the car quietly sitting in the passenger seat and Roger sat in the driver's seat.  

My friend had spent the whole day quiet. He was not smiling as usual or doing their antics that made everyone laugh.He started the car and halfway remained silent. Until I stopped the car at a red traffic light.

- What are you, angel? It's quiet, sad.

- My parents, Yasmine. - He sighed. - They fought ugly this morning before my father leaving for work. I believe that this time they separate once. My sister and I are suffering a lot. But I do not want to talk about it, about my problems with you. Lately I only have problems.

- Rog, you can talk to me anytime, about anything. I am your friend. - I pass my hand over her hair. - We all have problems at various times of life. Life is not a bed of roses in full. The obstacles are in our way, to face. You are strong and sensitive at the same time my angel. I'll be by your side in the obstacles.He is silent and the green light opens. Roger starts the car again and shortly after it to the car in front of my house.

- Thanks for the ride, my pretty boy, my angel. - Kiss fondly his face. - I love you my angel. Get well. See you tomorrow.

- Thank you for hearing me again. - He smiles a little sad. - I love you too my princess. Can I call you later?

- Of course, Rog. Today sleep late. It connects the time you want.He smiles and kisses the corner of my lips to my surprise.

- Good night babe.

- Good night kitty. - Smile at him and out of the car. Roger expect me into the house and starts the car tire singing. I come home. Are six. Soon my parents arrive from work. I take a shower and solve prepare dinner. Friday day my mother gets more tired. It's too much work for her. I resolve to do rice, boiled chicken and lettuce salad with beets and carrots and orange juice. Around seven in the evening my parents come home and kiss me on the cheek. They'll shower and then dinner together and they ask how was my day at school and say it well and talk about the parents of Roger. 

- It makes me sad that Michael wedding and Winifred is not going well. - Regretted my mother.

- Unfortunately. I am very sorry for them. - Said my father. - And I like both of them. We made a great friendship over the years that we are in Truro. 

Quickly I changed the subject and asked my parents as the days of their work. I'm interested more by my father's work, about the world of journalism, after all is what I want for my future.

POV Roger 

I got home and my mother was in the kitchen preparing dinner. I kissed her on the cheek affectionately and she smiled. My mother is everything to me. The person I love most in the world. I went upstairs and knocked on the door of Clare's room. She opened the door smiling at me and kissed me on the cheek. 

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