Chapter 21 - Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

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POV Yasmin.

I went up to Clare to his room. She lay on her bed still crying softly. I lay beside her stroking in her gorgeous blond hair. Every time you spend Clare looks more like Roger. The two actually look like twins. Clare is a beautiful girl. This year she has full fifteen years. It is natural that the boys already look at it differently. And while Roger is boring sometimes want too protect the sister I did not shoot his reason. I have no brother or sister, but if I had certainly protect as well. Clare is slowly calming down, I sing her songs of The Beatles she likes. After a while I realize that she falls asleep peacefully. She cried a lot. I look at his desk and see two frames: on a photo Clare's with Roger and Winifred smiling and the other picture she is with Roger at the amusement park eating cotton candy and they are smiling. There is no photo of her and Michael. I remember there was a picture of her with him, but she must have taken the picture frame. I hear several voices in the room. Winifred and their families should have come back. A short time later I hear footsteps in the hall and knock on the bedroom door. I say to enter. It Winifred. We greeted us and she realizes that her daughter is sleeping.  

I explain to you everything that happened. Winifred sits on the bed and says: 

- Clare should not have said that to Roger. She knows that while Roger is tough he is sensitive. – said without thinking, 

– Winifred. She was angry. I realize that Roger while away the two now worry too much with you. In London he thinks the two every day. Just does not care every day because bonds are expensive.

- Roger binds me about three times a week. - Winifred smiled. - My son is an amazing person. Has character, likes to help people either prove to be strong all the time, but we know that is not so. 

- I know very well. Roger is more sensitive after Michael's separation and lady. But it does not show all the time, but I see in your eyes the weakness within him. Roger wants to be like a father to Clare from now on. Not just as an older brother. And I understand it. I have brothers, but I understand his concern with his sister, the protection it has. And Clare really is too young to date. Can wait a few more years. 

- Roger and Clare understand. - Winifred smiled. - One does not live without the other.  

- Brothers who love forgive each other. - I smiled back .

- You will dine with us , Yasmin ?

- I do not know. I'll wait Roger back . I'm not leaving without talking to him.

- Ok my dear. It is at home and take care of Clare. I'll prepare dinner .

- Want some help , Winifred ?

- No need dear. My sisters help me .

- Okay. - Smile .

Winifred kisses her daughter's head and out of your room. 

I turn on the television Clare 's room and I'm watching a BBC talk show. Amazingly they are reprising an interview of The Beatles last year and watch again. Paul looks beautiful as always . I notice the most famous presenter and journalist in the UK. I want to be like her. Maybe one day I have a program and interview my music idols . 

Watch the entire interview that lasts about an hour and a half. When I finish watching the program are almost seven. I hear footsteps in the hallway and a door slamming next to Clare 's room. 

Roger returned . I turn off the TV and Clare agreement.

- Princess , wake up . - Smile at her. - Your brother has come . We talk to him?

- And if he does fight me again? - Said frightened. 

- I defend , but I think Rog is calmer. Come , let us go to his room. 

Love or friendship? That is the question - First seasonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang