Chapter 2 - Truro / Cornwall - December 1961.

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Time is passing too fast. Christmas is coming and soon pass the year-end festivities with my family. My parents will take two-week vacation to go to Brazil. I miss everyone.

We are at the beginning of December and next winter. Not yet got used to the cold weather here in England, but I think over the years get used. I'm in the last week of school. I passed in all subjects, as well as Victoria, Layla, Paul and Roger, but we had to go to the last classes, to get on the list of teachers.

The girls and I were watching Paul, Roger and other boys playing rugby in physical education class. Roger does not play very well. As a matter of fact it sucks in sports, but never clearly told him, he was afraid that he would be upset with me. 

Roger and Paul team was losing to the other team formed by other boys of our class. When the physical education teacher ended the game, several boys in our room were making fun of Roger, saying he's a bad player.

Roger left the rugby field shaking from head to foot heading toward the locker room. He looked at me in the stands with a sad look. Paul was behind him.

- Roger is a bad player. - Layla said. - He is very smart, but to play rugby is a disaster.

- We already know that, Layla. - Said Victoria. - But that does not change at all. Roger is our friend, one of the most gentle guys we know and the other boys that his kids are jerks.

- Roger is very upset about the defeat. - I finally said. - Then I talk to him when we go home.

Half an hour later, Roger and Paul came towards us in the stands and greeted us.

- Girls, before we go home we will spend the next school here candy store and buy some candy? Roger and I have money and pay you. - Smiling Paul said.

- I agree, Paul. - I smiled at him.

- I love sweet, Paul. I also accepted. - Said Victoria.

- So let's personnel. In a little while it gets dark and we have to get home before six o'clock. - Layla said.

We went toward the candy store. Roger was silent. I had not said a word when we left school. We came to the candy store and Paul and he bought sweets for us and we sat in a empty chairs that were in the candy store.

We ate the sweets and talking at the same time. Roger was still quiet. Then he said:

- Rog, what is it? Why are you so quiet so?

- I'm a disaster, Yasmine. I am a bad rugby player and it bothers me. The other boys are making fun of me.

- I'll be honest Roger: You are a disaster even playing rugby, but it does not matter. - Layla said.

- Layla, do not talk like that. - I replied.

- Lyla's right, Yasmine. I'm a disaster in rugby and I bet you also think so. - I said looking at me sadly Roger.

At this time I was serious and quiet. Roger really was a disaster in rugby, but would not say it to him. What should I say?

Roger looked at me again and I was silent. I did not dare to mention this to him. Suddenly I left my side and was out of the candy store.

- Roger is weird since the beginning of the morning and it's not just rugby game account. - Finally said Paul.

- Bizarre in that sense, Paul? - I asked.

- Today we have reached the very quiet thoughtful school, a little sad, and after the rugby game things got worse. He would not tell me why he's like this. But I think if you ask him speak.

Love or friendship? That is the question - First seasonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ