Chapter 26

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            It had been two days and I still hadn’t called Ashton. It’s not that I didn’t want to, I just didn’t know what to say. Also, in my defense, I’d been really busy. Since Monday was St. Patrick’s day, it was a long weekend with no school. My cousins were coming to visit this weekend, but apparently, no one told me.

            So when I got home from Ashton’s house on Friday night with Lee, I was pretty shocked when I saw my two cousins sitting in my living room. You know how there is always that one family member you can’t stand? Sometimes it’s a brother, or an uncle, or a step-mother. For me, that one family member is Charlie. Charlotte, to be exact.

            Charlie and Spencer are twins. They’re a year older than I am. Spencer is fine, we just don’t usually have much to talk about and he leaves me alone mostly.  But Charlie... oh God. Charlie tries too hard sometimes to be my friend. She’s super hyper and happy and just, doesn’t ever leave you alone. She’s not mean or anything, but she gets a bit annoying. Well, a lot annoying. She’s kinda like the stereotypical cheerleader, minus the bitchy-ness.

            Lee promptly left when we got home, claiming she would give us some family-alone time. Jerk. I know she just can’t stand Charlie ever more than I do.

            Charlie and I spent the day together yesterday. We got our nails done, got out hair done, went to the spa, went to the movies, went shopping, and then finally came home. It’s exhausting being nice to my cousin.

            Today I begged her to just let us stay home, and she finally agreed. Currently, it was five o’clock and she and Spencer were downstairs playing a competitive game of MarioKart, while I was upstairs lying on my bed with my dog. This is what’s been happening for the last hour.

            I’ve just been sitting here, patting Buddy, and debating whether or not to call Ashton. I have really thought about my feelings. I definitely forgive Ashton after his beautiful apology. And I definitely feel something for him. But love?

            I’m sixteen and never have experienced love, so how should I know if what I feel is love? I mean, I really, really care about him. And he makes my heart beat fast and my head spin when I’m around him.

            I sighed, picking up my phone and dialing his number. It rang six times and I was about to hang up when I heard him speak.

            “Hello?” He asked in a bored tone.

            “It’s me,” I told him with a smile. I realized he couldn’t see me, but whatever.

            “Oh hey, Evelyn,” his voice immediately brightened.

            “Been waiting for my call?” I teased, grinning to myself. He sounded happy to hear me.

            “Yep,” he replied, startling me. “I’m so irresistible, I knew you just couldn’t stay away.”

            “Idiot,” I could tell he was smirking; I was sure of it. “So umm.. anyways…” I began awkwardly, but he didn’t say anything.

            “I’m willing to give this a chance,” I said after few minutes of silence. “Give us a chance.”

            Ashton breathed a sigh of relief. “I though you’d say no, actually.”

            “What happened to you being so irresistible,” I joked, repeating his previous words.

            He chuckled. “I think we should have a redo for our first date,” Ashton told me as I put the call on speaker-phone.

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