Chapter 9

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Warning. This chapter is super short and horrible and I'm sorry I've been sick again and I haven't uploaded all week. So anyways, I'm sorry. I promise I'll upload more regularly and with longer and better chapters!

On Monday morning I was exhausted and an hour late to school. I think being late was becoming a habit. I had stayed up all night Saturday with Lee and Madison, and last night writing my paper. I’m pretty sure I looked like a zombie when I got out of my mom’s car at school; my eyes had dark circles below them and my hair needed to be brushed again. The cold and dreary rain seemed to reflect my mood this morning.

            To top off my great morning, a car passing by splashed muddy water up onto the sidewalk, splattering my nice light-colored jeans. How wonderful. When I got to my locker, Lee was there, putting books into her locker beside mine.

            She looked me over for a minute. “You missed first period and you look like a mess,” she grimaced, closing her locker.

            “Gee, Thanks,” I replied sarcastically, twisting my lock. Like always, it stuck in the middle of my combination, and I had to try three times more before it finally opened.

            “Well, I’m off to English, so bye chica!” She called over her shoulder as she walked down the hallway. “Try not to kill anyone today!” She added, gaining weird looks from people passing by.

            I sighed, taking the books out of my locker. I felt someone walk up behind me and I turned, thinking Lee was back. Instead, I came face to face with Brooke. Just the person I wanted to see. That's more sarcasm, by the way, in case you didn’t pick up on it. Ugh.

            “What?” I snapped, slamming the locker door closed. She didn’t even blink.

            “Oh, I just wanted to let you know that your boyfriend was just seen exiting a closet with another girl,” she grinned. “If you two really are a couple,” she frowned for a moment before continuing, “He obviously doesn’t care too much about keeping his err, activities, private. But then again, who would actually care about you.” She threw me one last smirk and sauntered away before I could reply.

            Wow, wait to go Ashton. I mean, I keep my side of the deal, why can’t he? The whole plan was to get revenge on Brooke, to make her upset. But now she thought that she was winning. It’s not that I cared that Ashton was with another girl, but it pissed me off that he wasn’t even trying to be secretive. It could ruin the plan and this is my one chance to bring Brooke down.

            I spotted him just before he entered his second period class, and I grabbed his arm, pulling him to the side of the hallway.

            “You stupid pig,” I hissed.

            “Hello to you too,” he chuckled, then frowned. “What are you talking about?”

            “What if someone saw? I can’t believe I agreed to tutor you if you aren’t even going to try to pretend we’re dating! And anyway, it’s not even ten in the morning and ick, you’re just disgusting.” I glared at him.

            “Oh, that.” He raised his hands in surrender. “Sorry?”

            The rest of the day continued in a similar manner. It seemed that every little thing that anyone did pissed me off. It was just one of those days. Lee had even compared me to an aggressive grizzly bear that attacks upon approach. Thanks Lee.

            When the last bell finally rung, I breathed a sigh of relief as I made my way to my locker. Ashton was leaning against the wall, waiting for me.

            “Are you going to come over to help me with my physics homework?” he asked with a smile.

            “No,” I answered, shoving him out of the way so I could open my locker.

            “So violent,” he grinned, rubbing the shoulder where I pushed him. “And why not?”

            “I have a track meet.” I replied curtly, grabbing my bag and closing my locker.

            He started laughing. “Wait-you do track? Oh my god, wow.”

            I turned to glare at him. “What?”

            He tried to stop laughing. “It’s just, I’ve seen you in gym, and you hardly ever participate and I can’t imagine you actually joining the track team!”

            “I had to join for extra credit or I’ll fail gym apparently,” I muttered, annoyed. “Now stop laughing at me!”

            “Okay, okay, sorry.” He had stopped laughing but was still smirking at me. “Anyways, what time does it end? I can wait and then drive you to my place so you can help me.”

            “I’ve already told you, I’m never riding on a motorcycle again,” I stated, starting to walk away.

            “I drove the car today because of that. So now you’ll come?” he asked hopefully. That was nice he thought of that, but still, I didn’t want to go over to his house tonight.

            “You do realize I have a social life right? I don’t want to spend all my free time tutoring you,” I continued walking down the hall, and he hurried to catch up.

            “You don’t need a social life when you’re dating someone as awesome as me!” he exclaimed cheerfully.

            “Ha-ha. But no, I can’t come over tonight,” I repeated.

            “Pleaseee,” he asked, giving me puppy dog eyes. “Charlie has been asking about you anyways. And I promise not to get you drunk again.”

A/N Like I said above, I'm sorry for the shortness and crappiness of this chapter! It's barely two pages!! SOrrrryyy! But I promise the next chapters arre going to be more exciting and the plot is going to start picking up more! So how've you guyss been? Whats your fav part of the story so far? Don't forget to fan/vote/comment! LUVYA <3

edit 12/31/14: go check out my new story, "Remember the Music"

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