Chapter 15

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Before we get to the actual chapter, I'd just like to thank a few, well, a lot of people. So many of you are such loyal readers and fans and always vote and comment, and it really means a lot to me. I'd just like to thank you all for reading and supporting me. Whether you just started reading, or have been with me since my first update, it means a lot. I'm nearly at 2,000 reads and I never though I'd come this far. :D Even if you aren't mentioned on this list, I want you to know that I love all of my readers, I really do.

Thanks goes to:












And many more.

Now, to the story. I present to you, CHAPTER 15:

As soon as I was away from the park, I felt a few tears drip down my cheeks. I hastily brushed them away, but more kept falling. What was wrong with me? I was seriously crying over a guy I had known for a little less than a month?

            I didn’t want to go home because I didn’t want to have to explain to my mom why I was crying. So I went to the place that felt like a second home to me, where I could talk to the one person who’d understand and know what to do. Lee.

            When I got to her front porch, I was surprised to see someone else already waiting by the door. As I walked up the steps, I recognized it to be Ryan. Great. I ran away from Ashton only to run into his best friend. More importantly, why was here?

            Ryan heard me walk up behind him, and he quickly turned, looking confused at my teary expression.

            “What?” I snapped, catching him staring. “And why are you here?”

            He looked uncomfortable. “I errr… was coming to see Lee?” It sounded more like a question than a statement.

            I narrowed my eyes at him. “At nine on a Sunday morning?” I didn’t even know they were friends. I hadn’t spoken to Ryan for a week, and I didn’t think Lee even knew him.

            Ryan was about to reply when the door swung open, revealing Lee standing there with a spatula.

            “Hi Ryan,” she blushed. She actually blushed. Bold, outgoing Lee blushed. She seemed to see me for the first time, standing awkwardly behind Ryan. “Oh, hey Evie-what’s wrong?”

            “I-never mind. I don’t want to interrupt.” It wasn’t important enough to bother her about, especially if she already made plans with Ryan.

            “Nonsense,” Lee scolded, pointing at me with the spatula. “Stop moping and come have some pancakes and you can tell me all about it.”
            That explains the spatula. I shrugged, following her inside. If she was making pancakes, I wasn’t going to complain. “Chocolate chips in mine, please,” I called after her, wiping away the last of my tears.

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