Chapter 23

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A week passed. It was almost like Ashton and I had never even met. We didn't talk, didn't see each other, nothing at all. The two classes I shared with him each day went by smoothly; I avoided him and he avoided me.

Honestly, he looked so carefree and happy; like he didn't mind that we weren't speaking anymore. And he and Brooke were always flirting with each other obnoxiously loud.

I was the opposite. Everything was dull and boring and sad. I hated that I was so upset about him, but I just couldn't help it.

My mom came home on Wednesday night and didn't even notice that there had been a party in the house. Thank god. Tony's first date with the coffee shop girl had apparently gone well. And the second date. He was always visiting her at work, so there were many coffee cups littered around the house.

Tony also had applied to a few colleges and was currently on the waiting list for NorthwesternUniversity in Illinois. We were all really excited for him. I wondered what college Ashton was planning on attending. We never had really discussed it and well, we didn't talk anymore. I'm glad I still have a year to worry about college. I have no idea where I want to go or what I want to do.

The following Wednesday at school, I was sitting at the lunch table when Lee decided she was going to get me a date.

"You need to go out more and stop moping about Ashton. He's not worth it Ev," she sent me a sympathetic look. "And I know just the guy!"

I looked at her dubiously. "Who?"

"His name is Michael. He's Leslie's brother. You know Leslie. I take dance with her and we've gone to the mall with her before." Lee continued to talk about how great Michael was.

"And he's perfect for you. He's sweet and charming and very nice," Lee finished. Huh, so he's everything that Ashton's not.

"I don't know..." I wasn't too sure about going on a date with a guy I've never met.

"Well you two have a dinner planned tomorrow at the Olive Garden," Lee told me. Olive Garden? It really just had to be there? Now I'd be thinking about Ashton the whole time.

"You should go," Madison joined the conversation. "You've been acting depressed all week and it's not like you at all."

I sighed. "Fine. I guess I'll go on this date. He better be cute."

"Oh he's yummy alright," Lee smirked. Ryan sat down beside her as she finished talking.

"I assume you're talking about me of course," Ryan grinned, leaning over to give Lee a peck on the lips.

"You wish," she joked.

So here I was on a Thursday night, anxiously waiting outside of Olive Garden. I was wearing a dress, Lee forced me to. It wasn't anything fancy, just a simple, knee-length blue dress. My honey-blonde hair was curled in ringlets and I had minimal makeup on for a natural look.

Lee had given me Michael's number an hour before, and he texted me to say he'd meet me here at seven o'clock. I checked my watch again. 7:14. I was about to text him again and ask if I had gotten the time right when someone approached me.

I looked up to see a stunning boy with short blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes.

"Are you Evelyn?" he asked in a very British accent. Oh my god, I had forgotten that Leslie's family was from England.

"Y-yeah, I'm Evelyn," I stammered lamely. Wow, way to make a great first impression.

"I'm Michael," he said with a smile, showing off his perfect white teeth. "You look lovely."

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