Chapter 9

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Sadie's POV

Being at the roman camp was cooeird. That's a mixture of cool and weird. I missed the Brooklyn house. I wondered what Felix and his penguin were up to.
Me and the rest of the people were sitting at the praetor table. Somehow, the food you want just magically appear on the table. It's magic. I should ask Carter if there's any spells on making food magically appear. I noticed that surprisingly, Carter actually found someone to talk to, before me!!! Carter's definitely not the type of person who talks a lot though, tonight, he was.
"Are you ready for war games?" Percy asked
"No, I don't really have a weapon or armor," I said
"Don't worry, I could help you with that," he said politely
"Okay, where's Annabeth?"
"I dunno,"
"Shouldn't you look for her,"
"No, normally she comes back, unless Hera took her!"
Someone kissed Percy on the cheek. That someone was Annabeth. She took off a Yankees cap and became visible. "I've been standing here the whole time," she said
"Why? Were you spying on me?" He asked
"Maybe," she said suspiciously

When I was done eating, Percy and me headed over to the armory along with Annabeth. They are such a cute couple, reminds me of Zia and Carter.
Me and Walt have been having what you call "relationship problems". Nowadays, we have been fighting a lot. Carter calls us an old married couple. Anubis may be old, we might be a couple, though I am not married and not old! Do I have wrinkles? *shut up Carter! I do not*
Trying to find the right weapon for me was heasy. Hard and easy. I knew what I wanted but there wasn't the the right size or shape or color. I tried to look for the one but I couldn't pick. Nothing interested me. As I moved along the table of weapons, I saw it. THE ONE. I immediately picked it up. It was a simple blade that seemed cool looking. "Are you sure?" He asked. "That's just silver, it's not imperial gold or celestial bronze or anything,"
"I'm sure," I said holding it to the moonlight. "It's the one
"Okay, time to put on your armor,"

-------time skip---------

As I went out of the building, I almost fell. The armor was just so heavy. Just walking already made me sweat, though I finally made it to the fields. Panting, I fell over. "Are you okay?" Carter asked, looking down at me trying not to laugh
"What? Yeah," I said getting up. "Totally okay,"
I struggled to get up but eventually made it my 12th time and by that time, the game almost already started. "The super awesome gang" as I liked to call ourselves were all playing with the fifth cohort. We were the attacking team. The leader of the fifth cohort was a kid named Dakota who had a red stain of his mouth. It looked like cherry cool-aid. Or wine, but I'm not sure they allow wine.
"Okay," said Dakota.
He started calling names and giving orders. "You people," he pointed towards us, the super awesome gang, plus the Hazel and frank couple. "Do anything to help us win,"
Anything? I wondered. Even spells? "Oh and you two," he pointed towards me and Carter "no weird Egyptian things,"
Aww, I thought in my mind.
Before I knew it the game started. "Follow us," Percy said
We all followed him till we reached the fort. "Inside is water canons, fire, and scorpions, I think, so who wants to go in?"
"We'll all go," Leo said
I saw the water cannons blast people away. The other team saw us and faced the canon towards us. We were going to get hit with water. I closed my eyes getting ready for the impact, but, I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and am saw that Percy had redirected the water and had hit them instead. We quickly went inside and avoided a lot of things. There were blasts of fire, bugs, and some unrecognizable goo on the walls. Where is it, I wondered. We opened a door and there were tens of kids lined up ready to fight. "Umm..." Percy said. "Hi,"
They all charged at us. We formed a circle and began fighting them off. It was really tiring, I needed a break, at least now i had my workout.
I jabbed with my dagger not really sure how to use it. I glanced at how Annabeth was doing and noticed her doing flips and cartwheels attacking them. Nope, I said to myself, not doing that. I ducked almost getting hit. I saw another door that was half open and a glimpse of the banner.
I jabbed my way towards the doors. It was difficult. I decided quickly turn into a bird and flew to the room. I knew it was cheating though hey, I saw the frank kid changing animals so why can't I?
Inside, there was only one kid guarding the banner. I turned back to normal behind him and jabbed him in the leg. "Sorry," I said
"Oww," he said
I grabbed the banner. Reyna, the praetor who had been watching the whole time announced that the fifth cohort has won. "Boom!" I saw Dakota say to someone. "In your face! For the 10th time!"
The kid stuck out his tong at Dakota.
We celebrated and celebrated till I felt my eyes get droopy. I yawned. I went to my bunk bed and told myself a children's book that I "memorized". Good night moon, good night couch, good night bed, good night wall, goodnight floor, goodnight strange shadowy figure, goodnight- WAIT WHAT!? I looked to see the strange shadowy figure again. I slowly crept out of my bed and walked towards it. It started to run, I followed chasing him. Who was it, setne? I wondered. I chased him, catching up to him and then, bam! I tackled him to the ground. "Wait, Walt!?" I asked confused
He looked ashamed. "Sorry, I just really missed you,"
"Ha, yeah right," I said unconvinced. "I saw you kiss that girl, I know you like her better than me, some dumb blond with a annoying British accent"
Walt groaned. "What!? I like you way better than that Drew girl. Me and Anubis. Anyway, I told you, she kissed me!"
"Wait what? You never told me that,"
"Yeah I did, last Wednesday,"
"No you didn't, when,"
"Right after you came out,"
"No... I came out of the school and went on the bus,"
"No, I talked to you before you left onto the bus,"
"No... Wait! Did you notice anything different about me?"
"Umm, well, you did look sort of weird,"
"What do you mean?"
"Your eyes were gold,"
"Umm, are we good now?"
"Now what?"
"I dunno, we kiss?"
"Wait, let me ask my assistant if we should,"
I raised my eyebrow. "Kidding," Walt said. "Anubis says okay,"
"That's your assistant?"
We kissed. It was nice, suddenly I realized someone was coming. "Bye Walt," I said
"Bye," he said leaving as I quickly went back to the building.
I laid (is that spelt right, it looks wrong) down on my bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering of why I couldn't remember Walt talking to me on Wednesday. Why did I have golden eyes? Oh well, I sighed, I could ask Percy or Annabeth to see if they know anything tomorrow, I thought as I closed my eyes and got surrounded by the infinity of dark.
   Okay guys, so this chapter wasn't the best, I know. I skipped a lot of things and it seemed rush in my opinion. Also, sorry for not updating as quick as I said I would, did I say I would update quick? Luckily, I know you guys are the type of people who are patient. Anyway, bye people!

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