Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own any Rick Riordan things


Rachel's POV

Ow, ow, ow. That's the only thought that's in my head right now, ow. I held the ice pack to my head, that Carter kid had hit me in the head! He really needs to improve in basketball. I stared down at the ground as I started to walk towards the Social studies room. I looked at the room numbers 606, no, 609, no, I looked towards the other side, oh, there, room 607! As soon as I walked in, I heard laughter, it was Vanessa laughing at me. "Wow, I knew you were bad at like everything but not that bad,"

I just sat down. Vanessa is so annoying. Vanessa seriously reminded me of Drew.

"I knew that I would be able to beat you in a basketball game, you probably hit yourself in the face," Vanessa said "You ar-"

Vanessa didn't finish her sentence because just as she started to say something a dagger was at her throat, it was Thalia. "Don't talk to her like that," Thalia said

"Or what? I doubt you'd actually stick that sharp pencil through my throat," Vanessa said

"Oh yeah? Try me,"

Vanessa was just about to say something but the bell rang and the teacher came in. Thalia took the dagger away and quickly slid into the seat next to me. "Hello kids, I'm Mr. Goldstein, please take out social studies textbook and read page 88," Mr. Goldstein said

We all took out our textbooks and turned to page 88. It was about the Hoover Dam. I thought about the time when I met Percy. I sneezed and he pointed a sword at me, good memories.

Thalia was skimming the text. "Dam, this story looks so boring," she whispered to me with a smirk

It took me a couple of seconds to realize the joke. I smiled. She was right, the story was boring. It was just something about a dude, blah blah blah, him doing something, blah blah blah. I yawned, my eyes started to close. Everything turned black and disappeared. The next thing I knew, Mr. Goldstein was saying "Ms. Dare, wake up! I'm giving you Friday detention!"

"Okay..." I said sleepily

I noticed that Vanessa was smirking. The bell rang. We all left the room.

"How long was I sleeping?" I asked Thalia as we left

"20 minutes," Thalia said

"Why are you at school?" I asked

"We don't have much to do since the giant war,"


"See ya,"


I walked away looking behind me for any sign of Vanessa.


I finally wrote again. Sorry for taking so long, and plz VOTE COMMENT 🐵

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