Chapter 7

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NEW CHAPTER!!!!! TWICE IN A WEEK!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, back to business Disclaimer: I do not own any Rick Riordan things


Percy's POV

It was a warm Saturday autumn day two weeks in from the beginning of school. There was a school, and in the school was a classroom, and in the classroom was- sorry guys, my girlfriend Annabeth is telling me to hurry up with the story. You may know her... Anyway, Rachel, Thalia, Jason, Piper, Leo, Clarisse, and me were in detention. The story began with me walking into the classroom finding Leo, Jason, Thalia, Rachel, Clarisse, and Piper sitting in the chairs. "Hey, detention?" I asked

"Yeah," they all said

"I've never been in detention!" Complained Jason

"Me too!" Leo said

"Yeah right Leo," Piper said

Mrs. Moore walked into the classroom. "You have to stay here till 3:00," she said

I glanced at the clock, it was only 12:00, that meant we had to stay here for 3 hours! Anything could happen! A Minotaur attack, or even worse, A HAIKU BY APOLLO!!!

Mrs. Moore left the classroom locking the door behind her. "So, what do you want to do to pass the time?" Rachel asked

"Let's tell the story of how we got detention," I suggested

"I'll go first!" Jason said. "I bet mine is the most baddest!"

"I doubt it," Thalia mumbled

"Okay, so, i was writing in the diar-journal, not diary, diaries are for girls. So anyway, I lost track of time and didn't do my homework and get detention," Jason said

"Same," Piper said

"That's it?" Thalia asked, shocked

"Well yeah, what's yours?" Jason said

"Okay," Thalia said. "I got detention by threatening Vanessa and putting a knife next to her neck. Hey, I was protecting Piper!" She said quickly

"My turn to share!" Clarisse said (is that how you spell Clarrise? It keeps coming up as wrong!) "I punched that guy who was bothering Prissy and Owl face,"

"Matthew?" I asked

"Yea," she said

"Oh yeah, thanks,"

"Ha! Now I don't owe you anything else!"

"Are you sure?"


"Okay, I'll share now," Rachel said

"Fine," Clarrise said

"I got into detention by hitting Vanessa in the eye with a purple plastic hairbrush," Rachel said

"The one you used on Kronos?" I asked

"What? No! That one was blue

duh!" She said

"Oh," I said. "What ever happened to that one?" I asked

"I never got it back, it's still in the room," She said. "You share now,"

"Okay..." I said. "So once upon a time,"

"Get to the point!" They all yelled

"Okay, okay," I said, "So, I was in science and-"

"Oh! I remember that!" Rachel said

"Yeah, so anyway, I was playing with the water in the sink and then I was turning the knobs and by accident, one of the knobs broke off and water started spewing out everywhere. It was epic! Then Matt (Sloan) told the teacher that

I did that on purpose and came here earlier with a wrench and a screwdriver, and get this, the teacher BELIEVED HIM!!!!!" I said

"Oh, that's sad," Piper said

"It was cool though," Rachel said

"On the bright side, I made the water only wet Sloan, and I was perfectly dry," I said

"Okay!!! My turn!" Leo said

"Okay repair boy," Piper said

"So, I was doing my homework while listening to a argument between Percy and Annabeth," Leo said

"Hey!" Percy whined. "I knew someone was watching us! But again, hey!"

"Anyway," Leo continued. "As I was saying, I was listening to an argument between Percy and Annabeth and I was laughing do hard (on the inside) and my hands burst in fire so the homework got burnt. It was math homework so when I told Mrs. Moore my homework caught on fire, she didn't believe me!"

"Wow," Piper said. "I wonder why,"

"I know right?" Leo said

Suddenly I heard a loud boom coming from down the block, it sounded like it was coming towards the school. Suddenly, the wall in front of us exploded and standing their in front of us was Sadie and Carter Kane   And with them, was Annabeth.


Mwhahahahahahaha CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!! And I won't be updating for a while! Muhahahahaha. I might post a sneak preview of the next chapter, like one sentence or so, so anyway VOTE COMMENT AND HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS OR HANNAKUH OR WHATEVER YOU CELEBRATE AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!😀😎😆😀😎😆😀😎😆😀😎😆😀😎😆😁😎😆😀😎😆😀😎😆😀😎😆😎😆😀😎😆

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