Chapter 23 - No Words Can Describe This Chapter

Start from the beginning

"I agree," said Jeremy. "We'll be saving a lot of people. If we didn't go through with this, all our work would be for nothing."

"Okay." Intern took another breath. "Let's do this."


Adam stood in the Squid King's transformation chamber in the dungeon. He had been staring at the machine that turned everyone into squids for about an hour, trying to figure out if there was a way to change everyone back into humans. He knew that he couldn't just put a squid in and they would just come out back to normal. No, there was something more than that.

He circled the machine for the millionth time. If only there was a button labeled "Reverse Button." But, after a little more closer observation, he got it.

On the bottom of the machine there was some kind of glowing blue ingot. He grabbed it to see if he could pull it out of its slot, and it worked. And what could he use to replace it with? Take a wild guess.

Adam took out a butter ingot he always kept with him, and popped it into the slot. The whole machine turned from an ugly squid-blue, to a shiny buttery color. Adam smiled, excitement filling him.


He jumped and turned around to see Rosie and her Ninjazoids. She laughed and said, "Sorry to startle you. So what are you doing?"

"I think I found out how to change everyone back," Adam said, looking at the machine. "Do you think you and the Ninjazoids can gather everyone who's been turned into a squid and bring them here?"

"Please, Adam, this is me you're talking about. Of course we'll be able to do that!" She smiled and nodded towards the Ninjazoids, and all of them instantly split up to find everyone, while she stayed to talk to Adam. "So you're still alive? I'm actually surprised," she said jokingly.

"I'd like to say the same about you," Adam replied. "Anyway, shouldn't you go try to find a certain someone?"

"Yeah," Rosie said. "I'll go now. Be back in a few minutes!"

And as she left, she could hear Adam back in the transformation chamber saying, "Rosie and Ty, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" And she just smiled and went to find that certain someone and finally do what she vowed to do.

In under and hour, Rosie and the Ninjazoids made it back with every single Minecrafter who had been turned into squids. The squids yelled and cursed at them like any squid would, but they just ignored them. They were way too happy to finally be getting everyone back. Adam began to start up the machine as Rosie brought the first squid over.

Once the squid was inside, Adam placed his hand on the lever. "Sorry, man. I gotta do this." He pulled down the lever. The squid screamed in extreme pain until it was over. He came out as a human.

"W-what happened?" he asked, confused. He looked around. "What's going on?"

Rosie practically tackled him. "Ty!" She hugged him tight, and even though he was still confused, he hugged her back. "I missed you Ty."


"I'll explain later," Rosie said, pulling Ty out of the room.

Adam smiled, thinking of how cute that moment was, but then went back to changing everyone back to humans.


Ty and Rosie sat up on a cliff over an ocean under a tree and watched the sunrise together. She had been explaining everything that had happened since he was kidnapped by the squids, and when she was finished they just sat quietly beside each other.

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