Chapter 23 - No Words Can Describe This Chapter

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A/N: it is...the final chapter of Into Minecraft...ermahgurd.

I guess I have nothing more important to say, other than this has been so amazing to write this and read all your comments (I've read each one :D), and I can't wait until I write the sequel!

For this chapter, I recommend listening to "Marchin On" by OneRepublic while reading. It describes this whole story soooo much :D

If you haven't figured it out yet (I've said it like a million times), there will be an epilogue after this chapter that will probably be up tomorrow or later tonight. And also, this is the last author's note I'm writing for this story. Just thought I'd mention that. Derp.

So, I shall shut my face now. Now curl up with a banana, eat the heads of helpless gummy bears, and enjoy the last chapter of Into Minecraft :)

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Chapter 23:

"I should've known it was you three. And Deviant was with you guys too, right?" Mr. Boss said, glaring at the three interns in front of him. They didn't say anything, just stared in fear. "Of course I'm right. Now, I think you all know what's going to happen now." They knew.

Up in the control room, Mr. Boss was ready to send the three of them into Minecraft. He typed in everything at the control panel, and was ready to send them straight to the Nether. "I'll finally be rid of you, and I can move along with my work without anyone trying to interfere," he said as he typed.

"I'm sure someone else will try to stop you," Jeremy said. "And when you get rid of them, another person will try. It's just going to go on and on. You'll never win."

Mr. Boss sighed. "Jeremy, I once thought you were a good kid. You were my favorite. Now look at what's happened."

He continued typing as the interns just stood under the bright teleportation beam that would soon send them into the game. Mr. Boss finally finished setting everything up, and began the timer for their teleportation. 30 seconds.

He walked up to Intern. "Any last words, Jack?" (Yes that's Intern's name. It's the first name that popped into my head xD)

Intern waited until there were 15 seconds left. "Yeah. Have fun in the Nether."


Intern grabbed Mr. Boss and pushed him under the beam, and he, Jeremy, and Emily moved away just in time.

"NOOO!" Mr. Boss yelled as he was teleported away into Minecraft.


"Guys, I think I finally got it," Intern said, staring at all the codes and random numbers and letters on the main screen a the control panel. After they sent Mr. Boss into the game, they began trying to figure out how to free the Minecrafters again. Two hours had passed since then.

"Really? That's awesome!" Emily said, hugging him. Once they realized they were hugging, the pulled away and blushed.

"So, uh, yeah. But there's bad news too," Intern said awkwardly. "We would have to go in there to free them. And the thing is, anyone who didn't enter on that one day three years ago is still trapped forever. So we would be stuck there."

"Oh. . ." Emily said.

"Will the people who died be brought back too?" Jeremy asked.

Intern thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think so." He took a deep breath and let it out.

"I think we should do it, then," Emily said. "If it means freeing all those people and bringing back the dead, it's worth it. At least we won't be alone. And who knows? Maybe someone else someday will figure out a way to free us too."

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