Chapter 11 - Watching Armies Fall

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A/N: I love reading comments like "OMG IT'S SO GOOD" or "I NEED MORE!" It's awesome that you peepz love my story :) I didn't think this many people would even read it :D

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Chapter 11:

>Classified Location

Intern had been slowly working with his plan over the past month. It hasn't exactly been doing well, but at least he was getting somewhere. He'd been sneaking into Mr. Boss' control room every night while everyone slept. And every night he tried his best to hack into the controls, also while keeping an eye on everyone trapped in Minecraft. He wanted to at least know how they were doing with their war. And so far, he'd only seen losses on the good side. But because of those losses, he's been motivated to keep going.

This particular night just bothered him. As he tried to figure out this complex machine like he always did, he saw an especially bloody battle in the Squid Dimension. Fighting for one side were parts of the Sky Army, Frog Squad, Homies, and Dwellers. Fighting for the other side were parts of the Squid Army, Chicken Army, and Cow Army, who had joined the war sometime in the past two weeks. The main leaders of the armies weren't there themselves, but the majority of each of their fandoms were. The leaders had even larger problems to figure out.

Intern could only watch as soldiers from both sides either gave in to death, or joined the enemy by force. Bodies were scattered across the ruins of whatever fandom they fought in, and blood stained everything and everyone. Eventually, Intern couldn't bare to watch this anymore, and shut that monitor off, continuing to work on the controls.


The next morning, Mr. Boss called all his workers to the control room. He brusquely ordered them to stand in a straight line across the 100 foot span of the room, which left barely any room between each man. "Who," Mr. Boss began in a deep, firm voice, "has been messing with my controls?"

Intern glanced over to the monitor he had shut off the night before. It was still off. Shit.

"Answer me!" He raised his voice. He repeated, "Who has been messing with my controls?!"

Jeremy (random name lol), one of the other interns, stepped forward, taking a quick look to Intern. "I know who."

Mr. Boss lowered his voice. Jeremy was one of his favorite workers, and didn't yell at him as much. "Who?"

He took a deep breath and one more look at Intern. "Me. I'm sorry." He paused and thought for a moment. "I'm just trying to learn how that thing works. I think it's design is genius, and I want to someday be as brilliant as you."

Mr. Boss took a deep breath. "Alright. But if you're going to do that, make sure you don't screw anything up. Now, everyone leave!"

Out in the hallway, Jeremy caught up with Intern. "You're welcome."

"Oh my gosh, thank you so much," Intern said to Jeremy. "I would've been dead."

"I got your back, dude," Jeremy said. "So how are you gonna do it? Can I help?"

"Do what?" Intern asked, trying not to let Jeremy get involved. He began to walk away, to his office.

But Jeremy kept following him. "You know what I'm talking about. Don't play dumb. I saw what you were doing last night! You're trying to free the people in Minecraft. And I want in."

"Well. . ."

"You have to if you want this little secret to stay a secret."

Intern sighed and said, "Fine. Meet me in the control room tonight."


The Squid King smirked as he watched his minions fighting against the enemy in the Squid Dimension. He had Squidlox and his army on the battle field at this point, and they were winning. Right now they were fighting with the Bod Army, who were slowly giving up one by one. Left and right a body fell to the ground or was dragged away to dungeons.

The king then turned to his allies, the chickens and more recently, the cows. "My friends, I have no doubts about who will win this war. Now if only we could get more armies on our side, then we could be over with this faster, and at the same time gain our power and glory. The Sky Army and all their little friends will soon fall, and we will rise. We will be the elite and superior."


As another week passed, the Sky Army came closer and closer to their permanent downfall. Their army was shrinking, and so were those of their allies, while the enemies' armies grew. And what made it even more difficult was fighting their own friends who had been brainwashed and transformed into squids over the course of the war. It was only a matter of time before they would all fall to the squids.

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A/N: Lol. I started writing this at 10:30 PM, fell asleep sometime who knows when, then woke up at 2:42 AM. Man I'm tired. So if this chapter turns out boring or just horrible, keep in mind that I was half asleep when I wrote it. Yo estoy cansada porque no tengo pantalones. I think that means "I'm tired because I have no pants" in Spanish. Idk. I can assure you I'm wearing pants, however. Unlike Sky in chapter three xD

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