Chapter 22 - DIEEEEE!

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A/N: I can't wait until I write the sequel for this. There's gonna be some crazy stuff :3 it's gonna be so awesomefaceeeeeeee!

So have you guys been enjoying the last couple chapters? They're so happy and totally not emotional, right? >:3 I'm so evil mwahaha

Prepare your faces for a very long chapter :D

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Chapter 22:

>In the Chicken Dimension, later that night

Rosie snuck around the Chicken King's castle. All the hallways and rooms were practically crawling with chicken men, so she was being extra careful. She was here for two things: to get revenge on the Chicken King, and to get the Ninjazoids back.

She eventually reached the throne room where the Chicken King sat up on his huge throne surrounded by armed guards. Taking one more look around, she went in, traveling in the shadows and using stealth as her most valuable weapon. She hid behind a pillar near the king's throne and waited and searched for the perfect moment.

"Did you really think you could sneak up on me?" Rosie was grabbed by two guards who appeared out of nowhere. "I had suspected you would come. It was quite obvious. You should really work on your whole 'ninja' thing. Oh wait, you won't be able to do that because I am going to kill you." He laughed, and the guards joined in with him.

"Actually, no, I didn't think I would be ale to sneak up on you," Rosie said. She didn't bother to try to escape the guards' hands like she normally would. She just stood there.

The Chicken King laughed again. "Then why did you bother to come? I just don't understand you humans sometimes. . ."

"It doesn't matter, does it? You're just going to end up killing me, right?" She looked around the room carefully. Everything was in place, just as she hoped it would be. So, she carried on the conversation. Just in case more time was needed. "So how do you plan to kill me? Will you hang me? Drop me off a cliff? Suffocate me? Slit my throat? Stab me in the heart? And will this killing be done by you, someone else, or a group of people? Will this be in public, somewhere in a dungeon, outside, or right here?"

The king clenched his fists and took a deep breath, trying to keep from punching someone. She smirked as his frustration grew. "You're an annoying little girl, aren't you? You should just shut up and spare everyone else's sanity. It won't be a shame to lose a pesky little teenager like yourself. In fact, I'm sure any of your friends who live through this war will be happy to be rid of you."

As he continued to talk, Rosie scanned the room again. She glanced back to the entrance to the throne room and saw the signal she was waiting for. And then she looked straight into the Chicken King's eyes. "I actually feel bad for you. You'll never get the satisfying victory of killing your biggest enemy."

"What? What are you talking about?" said the Chicken King, now confused and less angry and irritated. And then he saw them, all hiding in the shadows of the room.

Before the king or his guards could do anything, Rosie flipped both guards onto the ground, and went for the Chicken King. The ninjas emerged from their hiding places to fight off the rest of the guards around the room.

The king grabbed his sword from where it sat on his throne just in time to block the attack from Rosie with her katana. Then he swung it at her just as she ducked, missing her nose by an inch. She lunged at his head, only clipping off a couple feathers from his half-man, half-chicken face. And this went on back and forth as the Ninjazoids continued to fight other chickens in the background.

With one last swing, Rosie knocked the sword out of the king's hands. She took hold of his shoulders and pinned him on the wall. "Like I said, you won't get the satisfying victory of killing your biggest enemy," she threw him onto the ground, put her right foot on his chest, placed her hands onto his head, "but I will." And with that, she snapped his neck with an extremely loud cracking noise that echoed throughout the room.

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