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I tangled my fingers in her hair as she pulled me closer, one hand on the back of my neck with her own fingers curled in my hair and the other in my thigh while she kissed me, and I felt as though I were on fire; every part of me was burning, and I had no idea how long we were in that position, but when I finally needed oxygen I pulled away, having resisted the urge to breathe long enough.

I slipped my hand from Rosalie's hair and carefully touched my lips, which were tingling—I wasn't the least but embarrassed by this, unlike other people in my position would have been.

"That was bloody amazing," I whispered breathlessly, copying Ron's favorite swear word without realizing as the slight british lilt I had had when I returned thickened. "You..." My eyes roved over her face. "You're amazing."

She trailed her fingertips across my cheek and along my scar, causing me to shiver at the spark that shot through me. It was something I had felt before, when plugging something into an outlet at the Dursleys—it was like a shock.

I could remember the rush I had gotten when I had first received my wand, and all the rushes of adrenaline I had gotten doing things such as fighting or playing Quidditch.

What had just occurred felt a thousand times better than that, and I had never felt more alive.

"I'm not as great as you think I am," warned Rosalie, though she chuckled a bit. "You don't even know my story."

"And I never will, unless you tell me." I tried to raise my eyebrow at her but it was quickly intercepted by the large yawn that overtook me, and all of a sudden, I felt rather tired. It had to be at least two in the morning, and I should probably go to sleep.

"Go to sleep." The blonde vampire lightly shoved me back on the bed and into the mass of pillows. "It's late and you need your rest."

"I'd rather stay up and hear your story." I crossed my arms over my chest, trying my hardest to look firm. I failed terribly, if her raised eyebrow was any indication.

"Just go to sleep."

"No." We stared at each other, our eyes locked and a silent battle being fought. I felt as though I were a kid again, refusing sleep even though she and the others tried their hardest to get me to.

"We are not doing this now, Carina." I fought to keep my eyes open as she sighed, obviously exasperated. "I promise I'll tell you sometime tomorrow."

"I–" I made to protest, but only ended up yawning again. This wouldn't work—I was exhausted and would only fall asleep during the tale. "—fine." She made to get up, but I reached out a hand to stop her. "Stay?"

Silently, Rosalie lay down beside me, pulling me into her side. She was propped up on her elbow and I scooted even closer, gripping her around the stomach to be sure she wouldn't leave; I hadn't wanted to tell her before, but I had nightmares from the war, and terrible ones at that. Hermione had already forbidden me from the dreamless sleep potion and instead soothed me over the nights with a silencing charm placed upon the room so that the vampires would be none the wiser as she apparated in. And, of course, so they couldn't hear my screams.

As her fingers stroked through my hair and my eyes fluttered shut, the last thing I felt was a kiss dropped to my forehead before I fell into the abyss.
Bellatrix cut Hermione free from the rest of us, and drug her by her hair into the middle of the room while Greyback forced us to move forward, his wand out.

"Reckon she'll let me have a but if the girl when she's finished with her?" leered Greyback, as he nudged us along. "I'd say I'll get a bite or two, wouldn't you, ginger?" I could feel Ron shaking, and I spun around, slamming into Greyback furiously; this only caused Harry, Ron and I to fall to the floor as the werewolf staggered only a bit. "You little..." He jerked us back up and roughly shoved us along, but not after I got a sharp hit to the face.
"Kill him," I mumbled, squeezing my eyes shut further. "Deserves to die..."
My cheek stinging, we all stumbled into the cell and he left after locking it securely behind him. The room was completely dark, and I couldn't we a thing, but, I could hear it....

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