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Rosalie's P.O.V.
Alice was practically vibrating with excitement today, and none of us knew why. One thing I did know for a fact was that it wasn't about us playing baseball with Bella, Edward's mate.

I would never see what he saw in that girl, nor what she saw in him.

"She's coming!" announced Alice earnestly. "She'll be here any second now!"

"Who's coming, Alice?" questioned Esme with a frown.

"Wait for it..."

Before any of us could say another word, two people appeared out of nowhere and fell on our floor in a pile.

"Ugh," complained the first, a girl. Her accent had a touch of british in it, mixed with American. "Why am I always being used as a cushion?"

"Because you can't land correctly to save your life?" responded another girl, this one's accent completely british.

"Shut up." The first girl got to her feet to help the second up, and when they were on their feet, they faced us.

The minute I saw the first girl's eyes, I froze, my eyes roving over her form.

She wore dark jeans, a blue shirt, a woven bracelet, black boots, and a black leather jacket that looked suspiciously like mine.

She was a couple inches shorter than me and had tousled black hair, fair skin, an aristocratic face, and fresh scar running along the left side of her face from the bridge of her nose to her jawline.

What really got to me, though, were the stormy gray eyes.

Without a doubt, I knew who this was.

"Carina?" I breathed. I had known she was coming in six years, but seeing her now...she was so beautiful.

Carina Black offered me a slightly rueful smile.

"Hello, Rosie." greeted Carina, and it was only then I noticed that she was still holding the hand of the strange girl next to her. Why was she touching my mate?? Carina was mine, and no one else's. I had just gotten her back, and I was never letting her go again.

A growl rumbled in my chest, and I clenched my fists; Carina reacted instantly and shoved her friend behind her, detaching their hands. There was a strange glint in her eye as her hand twitched.

"Carina," whispered the other girl. "Stop." Carina didn't move. "Carina, we're safe. It's alright."

That seemed to snap her out of her daze.

"Mione," muttered Carina, shaking her head as if to clear her thoughts as she dropped her arm. "Argh, I hate when that happens."

"So do I." Her friend's voice was quiet, and she sounded sympathetic.

"I know that feeling," said Jasper, frowning. "She was acting purely on instinct."

"He's right." The girl was watching us. "She does. Most of us do."

"Most of you do?" said Carlisle, sounding concerned and puzzled at the same time. "What do you mean?"

"Myself, Carina, Harry, and our friend Ron all experience outbursts such as that, though some of us get them worse than others, due to the fact that we've been in a war for so long. It's hard to curb instincts like that, especially from battle." She paused. "I'm Hermione Granger."

"What happened to her?" I demanded, worried.

Hermione glanced to her friend, my mate, who still appeared a little shaken and was staring at the ground. "It's a very long story. It'll take a while."

I raised a brow at her. "We have time."

"I still wouldn't like to tell or show you anything unless she's sure she's ready."

"Later," interrupted Carina, seemingly fine now, though her eyes were a little darker. "We'll show you later. For now.." She stopped. "I'm sorry, Rose. I didn't mean just happens."

"I understand," I murmured, though loudly enough for her to hear. "It's alright."

Emmett cleared his throat, and Carina crossed her arms as she regarded him.

"So," began Emmett, trying to appear innocent. "Are you gonna be playing baseball with us?"

"Baseball?" questioned Carina, tilting her head to the side, brows drawn together. "Like that one game I saw you guys play?"

"Oh yeah." He grinned at her. "When the storm starts, we play. It'll be Edward, Carlisle, and Rose against me, you, and Jasper. Alice will be pitcher, and Esme's got umpire. You in?"

Slowly, a grin spread across her face, and my heart warmed at the sight—she bounced back so quickly. "Of course. Let's get to playing. Mione?" She turned to Hermione.

"I'll just watch," informed Hermione. "I've had enough action to last a lifetime."

Carina offered her a smile, but glanced at me. "How are we getting there?"

"We'll have to carry the two of you," I told her. "I can take you, and Emmett or Jasper can take...Hermione." I was still more than a little angry with the teen. "Edward will be bringing his mate Bella along in the jeep—but, be warned, she's human."

"That's why Edward couldn't join in on the reunion, eh?" She crossed her arms.

I rolled my eyes. "He can't leave his precious Bella alone for even a second."

"Isn't he afraid of hurting her?"

"Oh, he is. But he can't stay away, apparently, even though he's putting the entire family at risk."

"Once upon a time—" Carina watched me. "—you couldn't stay away from me, either."

That made me go quiet, for I had been beaten, and for once, I wasn't angry, not even a little. The small flicker of mirth in her eyes was enough to quell any frustration I'd had.

"Well," cut in Alice. "Let's get to playing!"

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