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Rosalie's P.O.V.
We were in Alaska now, with our cousins, the Denalis, and I couldn't have felt worse. I was in pain, and I hated being away from Carina for so long. Even after a couple months I still hadn't stopped thinking about her. I could still remember our goodbye clearly...
The minute she saw me, a smile worked it's way onto her face, and I couldn't help but think on how she made me feel. I had been bitter before I found her, cold and supposedly heartless, but the minute I saw her I knew I would do anything to keep that smile on her face, even now, when we were saying our goodbyes.

She looked happy to see me, and rushed into my waiting arms. I scooped me up effortlessly—something she had been puzzled about a few times before, before she found out my  family and I were vampires—and she wrapped her arms around my neck, burying her face in my hair.

"I don't want to go," muttered Carina, and my grip on her tightened.

"I know," I murmured back. "I don't want to, either, but it seems like we've both got to go."

I didn't want her to leave, and I knew for a fact that it hurt her to leave Forks, her home, to travel to a different country. "We shouldn't have to."

I knew she was talking about herself and Harry, too, and she pulled back to look at me as I gently brushed aside a stray lock of hair from her face. "No, you shouldn't. But, it seems, that's how your world is." She'd known me for a long time, so I knew she could hear the clear anger hidden beneath the surface in my tone. And I was angry. Beyond furious that these people could just come and rip a child as sweet as her away from her home, take away her father, and force her to go to some school she had no intention of attending in the first place. "If I could do anything to help, I would, Rina."

She met my gaze for a moment and relaxed, knowing I meant what I said. And I did. If I could I would grab her and run, hide us away somewhere if I could, slaughter anyone and everyone who got in my path, but I couldn't, and I hated feeling so powerless.

"I know."

I smiled slightly at her trust in me. "This is where we go." I sighed, before placing her back on the ground, and pulling a small box from my pocket. "This is for you. know that even when I'm not there, I'll still be with you." She studied the necklace. It had a pendant on it, like the one I always wore with what I'd told her was the symbol for the Cullens on it. "Here—" I slipped it over my hair, and smiled softly at her. "—beautiful as ever."

Carina stared at the pendant for a second, before looking up at me, eyes suddenly filling with tears as she tried to smile back. "N-Never as beautiful as you, Rosie."

I hated seeing her cry.

I pulled her in for another hug, holding her tightly, and we stayed there for a minute or so before Sirius came out of the house, and cleared his throat.

"They're almost here. You have to go." called Sirius urgently.

It took all of my control to pull away from her and regretfully, I took a step back, and my family and I blurred away.

I could easily admit it to myself. I loved Carina Black, and that would never change.

"It'll be okay, Rose," reassured Alice for the thousandth time. "We'll—"

"—see them again, I know," I snapped, turning away and crossing my arms. "You've said that so many times, why can't you ever tell me exactly when we'll be seeing her—them—again?"

"Six years."

I whirled around to face her. "What?"

Alice offered me a small smile. "We'll see her again in six years. I've looked into it and, she'll go through a lot. She'll be hurt when she returns to us, but we'll see her again."

Six years.

Six years.

Six years.

Six years until I saw my mate again.

I snapped out of my thoughts. "What do you mean, she'll be hurt?"


I repeated again, more sharply, "Alice. What do you mean, she'll be hurt?"

"Just that." My sister regarded me sadly. "She'll be hurt. There's going to be a war, and she'll be right in the center of it with Harry. I haven't seen anything else." I was already out the door, sprinting as fast as I could when I heard those words, and could vaguely hear her shout, "Help me get her back! She can't leave!"

Growling when I sensed and saw the forms behind me, I pushed myself to go faster, swerving through the forest and around trees, hoping to lose them.

It didn't work.

I was tackled to the ground by Emmett, and almost immediately I began to fight him, snarling wildly.

"Let me GO!" I hissed, thrashing about furiously and punching him in the face. He winced as cracks appeared on his cheek, and I didn't care that I had left claw marks along his arms. I needed to get to my mate, protect her—"LET ME GO, NOW!"

Alice appeared in front of me and I kicked her, sending her flying backward, before I slammed my head back into Emmett's, causing him to fall back and let go of me.

I took off again, only to be caught again around the waist by a persistent Emmett, who groaned as I elbowed him in the crotch, but locked his hold on me more firmly than before.

"Rose, you can't leave!" insisted Alice. "They'll kill you, and then where will Carina be?"

"Don't care," I growled, surging forward in an attempt to escape. "Need to protect my mate!"

"You can't!" My sister sounded as though she hated this as well. "It'll ruin everything, something might happen to her if you do—please, Rose, just stop!"

I froze.

"Finally," sighed Emmett. "I thought you were never gonna stop."

"Come on, Rose." Alice grabbed me by the hand and began leading me back to the house. "She should be writing us soon, so we'll hear from her. Remember, only six more years."

Six more years.

For Carina, I could wait.

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