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I sat in an armchair in the common room, watching my fellow first years run around haphazardly, speaking in eager tones. I had been sorted into Gryffindor alongside Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville, and that was about it with that bit. When Harry and I had seen all the food we dove right in in a way that would make my Dad and Jake proud—I'm sure I even ate more than Ron, which is quite a lot, especially with the number of sweets I'd eaten on the train.

Harry and Ron sat on a couch nearby, discussing the differences between the magical and muggle world, and here versus Forks. I didn't feel like talking about that right now, so I scanned around, looking for a Hermione.

I stood up when I saw her sitting in her own little corner, being ignored by everyone as she read a book, and perched on the edge of her chair.

"What're you reading?" I questioned curiously, leaning over a little to peer at the book.

"Hogwarts: A History," answered Hermione, showing me the cover. "I already read it at home, of course, but it's very interesting so I decided to do it again. Have you read any of your school books?"

"I didn't read that one." I gestured to her book, before scratching my ear. "But I did read up on the first few chapters of Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, and Defense."

Her eyes lit up. "Really? I've memorized all out textbooks already and I find them fascinating. I don't think anyone else has, though." She scrunched her nose disapprovingly at several other students, who were doing silly things and playing games. "I didn't want to be behind the others, so I studied—you never know when we can have a quiz."

I frowned. "A quiz? This early? Why would they do that?"

"Some schools do." Hermione shrugged at me and flipped through the pages of her book, moving to point to the moving pictures of the staircases. "The stairs move here. It says here that they switch around often, and it causes people to get lost."

I leaned closer, eyeing it in interest. "Really? Thanks for telling me—I'd probably get lost. I'm sorta hopeless." I shrugged sheepishly.

She turned more pages and earnestly showed me a picture of the ceiling from the Great Hall. "And see this? The ceiling is enchanted, like I said last night."

My eyebrows shot up. "I really need to read my book."

"You should!" She glanced up at me, nodding in agreement. "It's very fascinating."

"I can tell." My eyes roved over the pages, and I soon grew uncomfortable sitting on the arm of the chair and poked her. "Alright, move over—this chair is big enough for the both of is and I wanna keep looking at the book."

Hermione quickly scooted over and made room for me, and I slid into place beside her as she placed the book over both our laps and began to turn more pages, explaining different things as I leaned forward and listened intently.

Finally, I got an idea and nudged her, causing Hermione to jump  and turn to me.

I pretended to be focused on the book, but the minute she tried I nudged her again, looking away and whistling innocently when she turned.

"Carina," stated Hermione. "I know that's you."

"Me?" I exclaimed, pointing to myself and faking concern. "Hermione, I haven't done anything—are you sure you're alright?"

"I'm fine, but I know it was you!"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You poked me."

"No I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

"I didn't."

"I saw you!"

"You're seeing things." As I said his I purposefully poked her in the side, causing her to let out a small squeal and jump again.

"See?" Hermione pointed at me. "It is you!"

"Nu uh!" I crossed my arms stubbornly, trying to keep a straight face, only to start snickering to myself. "Okay, maybe it was."

She narrowed her eyes and for a second, I thought I'd made my new friend angry—that is, until she slowly reached over and started to tickle me.

My eyes widened and as I tried to escape, I ended up catapulting out of the chair and rolling into the floor, landing on my back. I blinked a couple times before sitting up, and began to laugh.

"No fair!"

Hermione looked like she tried to hide it, but she smiled. "It was definitely fair. You started it and I finished it."

I stuck my tongue out at her and scrambled to my feet when the Prefects announced that it was time for bed.

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