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I sat on the Hogwarts Express with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, fiddling with the bracelet from my cousin under the sleeve of the too long jacket I wore that had been Rose's.

"So," said Hermione, obviously speaking to Harry and I, since we shared a seat. "Are you two happy to be going back?"

My brother and I exchanged looks.

"No," We said together, shaking our heads.

" relatives," began Harry. "They're not very nice people."

"That's an understatement," I muttered, snorting. I glanced up at my best friend. "They're monsters. The worst kind of Muggles."

"Don't you have anywhere else to stay?"

I rested my elbows on my knees and propped my head up on my hands as I considered this. "Well, they definitely woldn't let me go ack to America; I probably have loads of family scattered about that could take me, but most of them are probably Death Eaters or obsessed with the dark arts, or....well, I don't know. And besides, even if I could I wouldn't leave Harry. He's my brother, and as far as I'm concerned, he's all I've got right now, so I'm not going to leave him."

"You could both always stay with me," offered Ron. "I mean, Harry would probably have to bunk with me and we'd have to put Carina with Ginny, but we could make it work."

"We wouldn't want to be bothers to your family, Ron," Harry told him, before letting out a breath. "Besides, I doubt they'd let us go anywhere, anyway. Thanks, though."

"No problem, mate." Our redheaded friend brightened. "But, maybe you could at least come stay the last couple weeks or so of summer, all of you! Mum's been wanting to meet you, and I know she'd love to have you over."

"That'd be great," I cried, grinning. "Way better than the stupid Dursleys!" Ron and Harry also grinned, while Hermione attempted to chastise us, to no avail.

I twisted around to put my feet in the seat and lean against Harry, who laughed at me, before I swiveled my head to look at Hermione, shrugging one shoulder.

"You really are siblings, aren't you?" inquired Hermione softly, watching us. "You've said it before, but..."

"Yeah," answered Harry for me, mussing my hair. I jerked away to scowl at him and fix it, before rolling my eyes and flopping back against him again. "We were raised to be, I guess." His tone was sober. "I mean, that's what my dad would have wanted, I think—for us to grow up together."

The jerked to a stop, and I groaned, before reaching up to help Harry get our things, and then Ron and Hermione with theirs.

When we got off the train, we said our goodbyes to Hermione, who had to leave and go to find her parents; after this, we were met with the sight of Mrs. Weasley beaming at us.

"Harry, nice to see you again, dear!" greeted Mrs. Weasley, before turning to me kindly. "And you as well, Carina."

"Mum," interrupted Ron earnestly. "D'you think they could stay over sometime this summer? I mean, the Muggles they live with are horrid—"


"But it's true!" He looked stubborn. "Isn't it?"

"They really aren't the best sort," I agreed quietly. "Which is why we'll be sneaking food this summer, I guess."

"It's alright, though," Harry hastened to add. "I mean, we'll make it—"

"—nonsense!" cut in Mrs. Weasley. "You'll be coming to spend the end of summer with Ron, I'll send you some cakes, and that's that!"

Seeing there was no point in arguing, Harry settled for smiling gratefully. "Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."

"Really," I put in. "Thank you."

"It's nothing, dears." She smiled down at us, before gesturing toward the end of the platform. "Is that them?"

I narrowed my eyes at the sight of the Dursleys. "Yeah, that's them."

She pursed her lips, but nevertheless nodded. "Alright, then. You two had better get going, they don't look happy."

"They never are."

I pulled my trunk over to them, and Harry and I put both of ours in the boot of the car, thankful we'd let our owls out to fly along after us on the train.

We drove off with little trouble, despite the fact that Harry had purposefully squished himself against Dudley so I wouldn't have to be.

"Where'd you get that?" said Vernon once we'd gotten our things inside the house, his piggy little eyes studying my jacket suspiciously. He had already locked away our trunks in the cupboard under the stairs, but I had been clever enough to make sure both Harry and myself had stored our wands away. I had placed mine in my boot, because I didn't trust myself to put it in the sleeve.

"A friend," I replied cooly.

"Who would be spending their money on you?" He sneered at me. "It looks expensive...." He cast his eyes to Petunia. "Pet, haven't you been looking for a nice jacket like that for a while?"

No. No, no, no. NO way was this happening.

"Actually," began Petunia, a glint in her eyes. "Yes, I have."

"You heard her, girl." Vernon gestured to his wife. "Give it to her."

The very thought of that made my blood run cold, and I took a step back as Harry stepped up to stand beside me.

"No," I refused a little shakily, determined not to let them have Rose's jacket.

"I said give it to her." Vernon took a step forward and raised his hand threateningly.

"And she said no," cut in Harry coldly.

"See here, boy—"

Dudley had latched onto my jacket and was trying to pull it off.

"—let GO!" I shouted, half frantic and half furious as I jerked away from him. Dudley tried again and managed to grab me around the neck.

"Get it off her, dad!" cried Dudley, as I struggled furiously. When Vernon approached, Harry tackled the man and attempted to fight, only to be knocked aside. My eyes widened as he got closer, and I reared back and kicked the man in the stomach, while Harry got back to his feet, punched Dudley in the jaw, and yanked me into his side.

I jerked my wand out and pointed it directly between Vernon's eyes. My hand was trembling, but this was nothing compared to what I had faced before. A troll and the most powerful dark lord ever? This was a piece of cake.

Harry pulled his out as well and trained it on Dudley.

"One more step and I turn you into a toad." I gripped my wand tightly as I faced off with Vernon.

"You can't," said Vernon, though his eyes flickered unsurely to the wand in my hand.

"My father is a wanted criminal and mass murderer." I swallowed. "I think I could."

"And if he breaks out of prison and finds out you've harmed his daughter and godson," added Harry. "He'll come after you. He doesn't care about laws."

Vernon gulped, and he glanced at his son, and then us. "Go to your rooms. All of you."

I didn't put my wand down as went upstairs, and instead waited until were in our room.

"That was intense." Harry let out a breath.

"You're telling me," I agreed, swiping some hair from my eyes. "Life is only going to get more complicated for us, isn't it?"

He gave me a grim look. "I think so."

Eleven though I was, I knew that I would fight. "Then we'll be ready. Whatever comes, we can handle it."

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