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Rosalie's P.O.V.
I gripped Carina's letter in my hands, nearly trembling with fury. It was taking everything I had not to tear it to pieces. On one hand I was happy I had something of hers, but the better part of me was furious at most of what it said:

The Dursleys weren't all that nice, and they didn't treat Harry and I well at all. His uncle is an oaf who enjoys hitting, his aunt is too nosy for her own good and screeches like a banshee, and their son Dudley is just like his dad—he tried to attack us a few times and managed to hurt Harry, but never me, because my brother insists on protecting me. Doesn't mean I didn't get knocked over a few times, though.
We share a small room together in the house, and Harry sleeps on the floor because there's only one bed. We do all the chores and things and sometimes have to sneak more food away, but we're alright now. Hogwarts has plenty.
We made two friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Ron reminds me of Jake, but he's less tan, has lots of freckles, and has red hair instead of black. Hermione is very bookish and has bushy brown hair. She's a little bossy at times, but she's actually very nice once you get to know her—hey, like you!
There are four houses at Hogwarts. Slytherin, for the cunning, Gryffindor, for the brave, Hufflepuff, for the loyal, and Ravenclaw, for the clever.
Harry, Ron, Hermione and I were all placed in Gryffindor together.
Ron didn't exactly like Hermione much at first, and neither did Harry. Ron insulted her and she ran off crying, so I got angry and yelled at them both. When a troll got let into the school during the feast, we started searching for her to warn her.
It turns out that the troll was in the girl's bathroom (she'd been crying there) with her, and we had to rush in to save her because there was no time to get a professor.
Harry and Ron distracted it while I ran by and managed to get to Hermione, but then the troll grabbed Harry and I couldn't just let him be killed, so I somehow got hold of it's club and was slung across it's shoulders.
Thankfully, I remembered a spell I'd heard Dad use once, and used it on the troll—I blinded it in one eye and left a deep cut in it's throat, but then I got covered in it's blood. It was nasty, let me tell you. Then, Ron levitated it's club and knocked it out, but honestly, I think we killed it.
We didn't even get in trouble—Hermione lied for our reason being there to protect Harry and Ron, and we were even awarded house points! It's alright, though—I'm okay. Professor McGonagall used a spell to clean the blood off me, we finished the feast in our common room, and now I'm sitting here, writing to you.
You're angry, I'll bet.
Please, Rosie, don't destroy anything. I know you wish you could've been there to help, but honesty, I'm happy you weren't—I don't want you to get hurt. I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry if you hate me now—I just really wanted to tell you about this. How are you, wherever you are? I miss you an awful lot. hurts sometimes.
Please write back.
Always yours,

I tightened my hold on the table and heard a crack. Glancing down, I noticed that I had taken a chunk of. I didn't care.

What was the point of having a mate f I couldn't see her, couldn't hear her, and couldn't protect her? What was the point of going through this pain everyday? Why can I not try to change this and help her?

"You can't! It'll ruin everything, something might happen to her if you do—please, Rose, just stop!"

I could remember clearly when Alice told me those words, and that was exactly why I couldn't intervene. I couldn't go to protect her because if I did, it would only make things worse. Because if I did, she would get hurt either way, and this time it would be because of me.

Growling furiously, I slammed my fist into the table, breaking it in half instantly.

"Rose," said Jasper quietly, entering the room to stand beside me, studying the table for a moment before his eyes flickered back up to me. He sent a wave of calm at me and I tensed, trying to fight it, but it only grew stronger and I had no choice but to relax. "What's wrong?" I silently passed him the letter and he scanned it quickly, before he sat it on the chair beside us; I felt a spike of anger that obviously came from my brother before he regained control of himself. "That is a problem."

"I'll say." I crossed my arms. "I can't do anything to help her." I gritted my teeth.

"I'll admit, I wish I could do something as well." Jasper sighed. "But we can't. Alice explained that interference will only make things worse for Carina. None of us want that. Do you want her hurt on your behalf?"

"No," I snapped. "But what can I do? She's my mate, and leaving her alone..."

"It's what's best at the moment." His calm voice only served to irritate me. He sensed this, and carefully pulled me to sit down on the couch, taking a seat next to me. "But if I were in your position with Alice I would be furious. I would be ripping apart anything and everything in my path and nothing could stop me—but, then I would realize that it would only harm her should I keep going on like that and force myself to stop." He paused, to be sure I was listening. "You see, sometimes, you have to go against your better judgement and do what is right, whether it's what you want or not. Right now this is right, and this is what's best for your mate at the moment. You just have to wait and see how this plays out—you'll have to be there for her when she returns. That is when she'll need you most. Right now, she may have moments where she'll need someone, and she has them—while you may be the only one to truly heal her, her friends and family will help."

I was silent for a good few moments, before I muttered, "Thank you."

Instead of forcing me to repeat myself like the others surely would, he merely offered me a smile and stood. "It was no problem, Rose."

He left the room and I sat there, thinking, before I picked up a sheet paper and a pen and quickly began to write.

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