X.May I snog your brother?

Start from the beginning

"I think your broken rib and concussion made you grumpy." He put up his feet and leaned back, picking up the book he apparently had been reading.

"And I think that you're too cheery." She grumbled, feeling like quite the sass. "So why are you stuck with the victim?" She scratched her nose, eyeing the content of the book and realizing that it was the book he had gotten from her. She couldn't deny that it made her a little happy.

"Mum insisted after Percy said that I accidentally hit you with the quaffle." He actually seemed abashed, his cheeks slightly tainted pink.

"So you're being punished." She gloated.

"I can hardly call this punishment." He laughed softly, looking over at her. She noticed how one strand of his hair fled the place where he had tucked it behind his ears. It dangled in front of his eye, making him seem even younger than he was. The blue of his eyes not looking as childish as his hairstyle, just more... She didn't know.

"So you like to watch girls sleep, is that it?" I knew there had to be something wrong with you." She huffed, feigning deep disappointment. Bill looked at her, one eyebrow raised while almost smirking.

"Was I too perfect?"

"Oh indeed! I mean, I finally meet a Weasley that doesn't try to feed me prototypes of their experiments, neither does he want me to study, or even paint his nails!" She looked crestfallen, feigning. "But then he had to have some weird fetish." She sighed. Bill roared with laughter before shaking his head, lowering his now steady chuckle. "And not to mention, you're able to talk to me." She shrugged.

"Is there any of my siblings who won't talk to you?" He raised one eyebrow, still chuckling softly.

"Ron, he goes red and tries to run." Shrugging. Bill continued his chuckle, putting away the book.

"Ron has a problem with new, pretty ladies." He explained, making her eyes sparkle.

"You're not shy, are you." She crossed her arms for a moment before she sat up, her rib still a bit sore though.

"No, I've gotta speak my mind. But you're the same though." Claire shrugged, she couldn't deny it. "How are you feeling, anyway?" He prodded her rib, making her squirm without having it having anything to do with the pain.

"I'm feeling quite good, your mum is good!"

"Good, because I have a proposition." He folded his hands, facing her fully now with a mischievous face.

"What?" She sighed, feeling like this could never end well for her.

"Go out with me later, we'll sneak out!" He seemed as excited as she had seen the twins get when they were doing something strictly prohibited. Claire thought it prohibited because she had a concussion.

"Go out with you?" She crossed her arms, sending him a look that was questioning his intentions.

"Yes, I promise I won't get you drunk." He chuckled, the mischief not off his face yet.

"William Weasley, are you asking me out?" She tilted her head, giving him a look that usually made his brothers run away with their tales tucked.

"Of course I am!" He beamed before getting up. "Eleven, outside the broom shed." And like that, he was gone.

It was ten o'clock and Claire sat at her bed with an expression of utter desperation. In the bed next to her sat Ginny, her nose glued to the book Claire had gotten her for Christmas.

"Why are you acting like a stressed out hippogriff?" Ginny sighed, looking up at her 'adopted' sister with an amused look. Claire felt like she was going to explode and decided that it would be better to confide in Ginny, rather than her brothers.

A Weasley Mess *ON HOLD - REWRITE*Where stories live. Discover now