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A/N: This is just a simple fun imagine! I wasn't sure if I should post it or not but it's been in my drafts for a while now. Just thought I'd post as I'm still working on a really long piece which is more of a story than an imagine. Thanks :)

You walked into the Indian restaurant, hands interlocked with Chris'. You are immediately approached by a waitress who greets you both with a kind smile.

"We have a reservation under the name Collins," Chris tells her. She goes behind the desk and taps on the key board, confirming the reservation and then leads you both over to a small table in the corner of the restaurant with two chairs. You thank the waitress and she tells you she will be over in a few minutes to place your order.

You and Chris sit down at your table and look around the cosy restaurant. There are a lot of warm colours and also Indian art and patterns to set the theme.

You pick up the menu, already knowing what you're going to get. Your usual butter chicken curry with a naan bread.

You look at Chris who is also scanning the menu. Curries aren't his regular dish but for you they are a must. You start to grin as you see him trying to work out what the curries actually are and what they might taste like. He looks up and sees you, and then automatically gets defensive.

"What?" He says looking at you.

"Nothing," you reply, looking back down at the laminated menu.

"What are you getting then?" He asks.

"Oh, here she comes," you say, seeing the young waitress walking back toward you.

"Can I get you guys some drinks?" she asks as she places down a jug of water.

"I'll have a coke please," you say

"Oh, I'll just stick with the water thanks," Chris smiles

You give Chris a look without meaning to and then you turn to the waitress. "I'll just have the water to then."

"No coke then," she asks, double checking.

"No thank you," you confirm

"Oh, have some if you want some," Chris says to you.

"Well you aren't... I thought we were having a night out,"

"We are... what's that even supposed to mean?"

"It means you don't have to worry about what your consuming," you reply

"Fine, I'll get a coke too" Chris says to the waitress. "If that's what makes you happy," he says under his breath.

"So it's 2 cokes?" The waitress asks.

You start to become embarrassed by what she must be thinking.

"Yes please," Chris tells her and then she says she'll be back with the drinks to take your food order.

Chris reaches across the table to take your hand. "I don't even want it anymore," you mutter under your breath.

A few minutes later, she arrives back with the cokes. They are filled to the brim and have a nice amount of ice cubes. She places them down in front of you both and then asks if you are ready to place your order.

You ask for your usual butter chicken, medium heat with a plain naan bread.

"And for you?"

"Uh," Chris scans down the menu. "What do you recommend?" he asks.

"Well, there's our curry of the day," She says pointing to it.

"Okay, ill get that,"

"What meat? There's lamb, chicken, pork or beef," she says.

"I'll have chicken"

"And the heat?"

Chris looks at you for some reason, almost like he's asking for advice or permission.

"I think you should get medium," You say, knowing Chris can handle the heat when it hits, but he's not the most experienced and has most of his food mild.

He looks at you again and then tells her, "I'll try the hot please."

"Okay great. So that's one medium butter chicken and one hot special. Also a naan bread and anything for you sir?"

'pop-a-dom' you mouth to Chris across the table, intending to share it with him.

"Uh, I'll get a poppadum if that's alright," he says.

"It certainly is," she says before jotting it down and walking off.

"Sir," you say, mimicking the woman. Chris is 19 and hardly looks like a "sir" type of person but then again what was she supposed to call him, gentleman, young man?

Chris smiles and you put your mouth to the straw. Bubbles and spray from the fizzy coke hit your nose. You drink up the sweet cold fizzy liquid and you are so glad you got coke.

You and Chris engage in some small talk until the food arrives, looking grand and delicious. The waitress places it down before leaving you to get on with your meals.

It only takes a couple of bites before Chris is huffing and his eyes and nose are watering. You stare at him, the corners of your mouth tilting upwards. He takes massive gulps of coke before moving onto the water. 

"Jesus Christ," You say

Chris fans his tongue, "It's hot," he informs you like its something you didn't know was going to happen.

You roll your eyes, "told you."

To make him jealous, you shovel your curry into your mouth accompanied by a chorus of mm's and ahh's. 

Chris leans across the table and takes a scoop of your curry, cautiously putting it into his mouth. 

"Nice, isn't it?" you say, knowing that he loves it. 

"Try some of mine," Chris says, pushing his plate towards you. 

You break off some naan bread and dip it in some of his curry before taking a mouthful. Its nice. Then the heat kicks in. You feel your nose start to water.

"How is it?" Chris asks, a cheeky smile spreading across his face.

"Mmm, good," You say, nose running and forcing you to wipe it on a napkin. 

Chris laughs and continues to eat your curry. "Ay!!" You say, unimpressed. "I told you to order the mild, now get on with it."

"This one's good," he says, mouth filled with your meal.

"Yes, I know."

Together you finish off the butter chicken 

Chris Collins ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now