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*Imagine you and Chris get stuck in an elevator together- you are strangers*

You hurried down the corridor desperate to get out of the mall. You turn the corner and head for the lift, as the stairs take to long to go down 2 stories. As you go for the last available elevator, the doors begin to slide shut. You quickly lurch forward to hold the metal doors but your wrist is weak with only your fingers touching the metal. You start to peel yourself away, rather waiting for the next one than getting your fingers caught when the doors stop. Somones foot is wedged between the doors and then a hand pulls them away from each other to reveal a teenage boy. You give a shy smile as you step in and a quiet "thank you."

"Where you headed?" he asks looking at the silver key pad as the doors slide shut.

"Oh, um ground floor," you say as he pushes the button. You feel a bit awkward being in the lift with a stranger and try to avoid any eye contact.

The lift starts moving and goes upwards slightly before pausing and dropping down. Your stomach drops with the jolt and you hold onto the rail on the side, after falling for a nanosecond, the elevator just stops. You are staring at the ground feeling awkward and assume that the lift has stopped on a floor for more people. When nothing happens, the boy steps forward and presses the ground button again. About a minute of tension passes before you realise that you aren't going anywhere.

"Guessing we're stuck," he says hitting the unresponsive buttons again.

"Looks like it," you agree and get your phone out of your pocket.

You sigh as you see there are no bars. The boy looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "No reception," you explain.

After pressing each button in turn, the boy walks to the doors and starts trying to pull them apart. "what are you doing?" you question.

He turns to look at you while still trying to wrench them apart. "Seeing if we are stuck between floors," he says and its your turn to raise an eyebrow. "You mind giving me a hand?" he asks.

You walk over to the doors and take hold of the left side while he takes the right. "And what happens if we are?" you ask, voice straining with effort.

"We hope that my phone has reception," He replies. You both manage to pull the door open enough to be able to see out. There is just darkness and concrete. He sighs and looks quickly upwards and downwards. You see him look at you and then tells you to let go. As you do, he quickly pulls his own hands away as the doors smack shut.

He reaches in his pocket, pulling out an iPhone, giving you the verdict that you are in fact stuck between floors.

"No reception?" you ask seeing the look of dismissal on his face

He nods and scans the elevator. You understand what he's doing and you too, look the whole lift up and down in search of an emergency phone. "Are you being serious?" you say when there isn't one to be seen.

You pull out your phone and check the time. "This place closes in 10 minutes," you say.

"10 minutes as in customers leave or 10 minutes as in security system goes on?" he asks

"10 minutes as in security system goes on," you begrudgingly confirm. "Customers left over half an hour ago."

"Then we better start banging like crazy," he says and then realizes what he's said

"As much as this seems like an apocalyptic situation and we are the only two people left in the world, I don't think we need to repopulate just yet," you laugh

Chris Collins ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now