We stopped at a door, which I'm guessing leads to his room, he opened the door and I was right. His room had a dark color scheme, which fit him because all her wore was black. Even now, he had on a black v-neck, black joggers and black vans, it was kind of cute though.

"You can sit on my bed and I'll find a movie for us to watch. What do you like?" He crouched down and looked back at me as I took a seat at the edge of his bed.

"Horror, Thriller, Mystery, Fantasy." I replied.

"Hmm." He said raising his eyebrow and pulling out a movie.

"Teeth?" I asked.

"Yeah, its about this girl who has teeth in her- you know what maybe this movie may not be all that great for your eyes." He said skidding the movie back onto the shelf and looking for a new one.

"Oh and why not?" I asked folding my arms across my chest.

" Your virgin eyes." He said and I could hear him smirking.

I laughed, like loud, causing him to turn around abruptly and give me this weird look. I stood up and walked up over to him and took the movie back off the shelf.

"You should really stop assuming, Mr. Giovanni." I said handing him back the movie so that he could put in the DVD player.

When he did I turned around and sat back at the edge of his bed. He turned around and sat at the top of his bed, I sat back a little but made sure to not get too close to Marco.

About thirty minutes into the movie, there's another somewhat sex scene, this was basically porn, graphic bloody porn. It was gross.

Marco cleared his throat and I turned towards him. He was looking at me like he was unsure if something. He patted the spot next to him and I scooted up to the top up the bed. Right. Right next to him.

"What?" I asked causing him to rub his neck.

"About what you said earlier." He spoke.

"I said alot of stuff earlier. Gotta be specific." I wagged my finger in the air.

"So-" he cleared his throat again. " -are you a virgin?" He asked.

"No." I replied chuckling.

That was the truth, I lost my virginity when I was 15 and it was so bad, it felt like I rubbed my vagina across concrete, because I wasn't "aroused" and then the guy only did it for a bet.   So needless to say that was the last time I had sex.

"What happened? Like you're first time. If you don't mind telling me." He said scooting closer.

"It wasn't anything special. The guy did it for a bet. I wasn't even turned on, so it felt like... Bad. So that was the first and last time." I said looking up from my grey joggers.

"What do you mean. A bet?" He furrowed his eye brows and a frown set on his lips.

"Its this thing that the football team does with ugly freshmen, they have sex with them and get points. The player with the most points get all the money that was placed in the bet and the guy who slept with me won the bet." I said shrugging. It didn't bother me anymore I was really over it.

He tried scooting closer to me but he was already so close that there was literally no space between us. He placed Hus hand on my thigh and looked straight I to my eyes. How clichè.

"You know you're not ugly right. You're beautiful." He said.

His eyes kept switching between my eyes and my lips which subconsciously made me think that they were ashy, so I licked them. He groaned and looked back into my eyes but his green eyes were now darker. He was gonna try to kiss me..

Book 1: ValentinaWhere stories live. Discover now