The Original Musketeer (Slight Aramis- The Three Musketeers)

Start from the beginning

"I would have to agree as well Lady Y/N. I'm happy to see you are already familiar with my musketeers, but how exactly do you know them?"  he looked questionably at me.
I smile and turned around only now noticing the other two. "It appears I only know half of them" I raised an eyebrow at Arthos as he laughed slightly.
"Oh yes Y/N this is Aramis and D'Artagnan, they are also musketeers." Arthos laughed at my puzzled expression.
"Wow, I didn't realize it was turning into a club?" I smiled gently at the two new members before continuing, "Well then it is a pleasure to meet you both, let me introduce myself. My name is Lady F/N L/N, and I suppose I am an honorary musketeer and the King and Queen's personal body guard." I laughed slightly.
"An honorary member," Porthos beamed at me "More like the original musketeer."

"You were a musketeer?" the man who's name I learned was Aramis, asked me.
"Well that was quite a long time ago, many a thing has changed since." I smiled sadly looking to the ground. He looked at me quizzingly and turned to Arthos and Porthos who both looked plagued.
An awkward silence soon fell on the small group until it was interrupted by a messenger for the king. He handed him a letter. As he began to read it I looked at the Queen wondering if she knew what was going on but she only shook her head.

"Oh well isn't this just wonderful" my mind began to race as I noticed the kings change in mood and his sarcasm.
"What is the matter my dear?" the Queen looked over the Kings shoulder as he blushed slightly.
"It seems we will be having a guest" he muttered slightly.
"Who, may I ask?"  I was curious as to why the king was so put off, he would usually jump at a chance to throw a party for guests. 

"Duke Buckingham." I could feel my cheeks heating up as a warm blush spread across my face, ears and down my neck. The Queen smirked at this, she knew of mine and The Dukes relationship, or lack there of.
"Y/N?" Arthos looked at me, he too noticed my change in demeanor. I smiled at him warmly, the truth is I had missed the musketeers terribly, it had been strange not having them around amd I had been awfully alone when I first left.
"Well, we most certainly have an awful lot of work ahead of us so." the Queen continued to smirk at me.
"It seems so." I smiled slightly though continuing to look to the ground my mind racing as to what was going on.
"A masquerade, that's what shall be held." the king spoke up finally. I looked at him surprised he was willing to throw a party for the Duke, but knowing him, it was more so he could show off in front of him.
"Y/N you will be attending the party I assume?" the king put me on the spot, looking to me expectantly. As per my job I was to escort the Queen everywhere and whilst parties, balls and gatherings occurred I was to attend both as a guest but also as their bodyguard.
"Of course your majesty it would be awfully rude not too." I put a fake smile on my face to try and convince myself this was a good idea.

In the end it was decided the musketeers would go as well much to my surprise. They seemed to have made a good impression on the King and once you where in the kings favor you held a higher position almost instantly.
As I made my way back to the Castle I was stopped by the Musketeers.
"The Duke cant be trusted Y/N." Arthos spoke up. I looked at him strangely, his face was serious and all sense of formality and friendliness from earlier disappeared now that the King was gone. There was another look to him though, he was hiding something from me, I could tell.
"Well I'm not too sure about that, from the time I've spent with him, he's quite brilliant actually." I looked to the men in front of me, they looked as if I had just punched them in the stomach.
"What on earth do you mean?" Aramis looks to me shocked.
"Just how much time did you spend with Buckingham Y/N?" Arthos had a pained look to his face, knowing my answer before I opened my mouth.
"Well considering I was due to marry him.." I trailed off after noticing the looks I was getting.
"You were what?" Aramis was the first to speak.
"Y/n you know Buckingham's bad news." Porthos spoke to me softly, we had been like brother and sister and had grown together from teens, the three musketeers.
"Look I said was, it has been called off for now, I have more important things to attend to." I quickly spoke up finding myself getting quite offended by the insistent questioning.
The guys just looked at me for long while, as I started to feel uncomfortable.

"Look, I've got to go, I'll have to help the queen prepare for the masquerade, and then I'll have to get ready myself."
"Who will you be going with, to the masquerade that is?" Aramis suddenly spoke up looking at me, only now noticing he had a very intense look about him.
'I..I obviously haven't thought too much about that." I shook my head, as part of my duties I would attend but I have always declined the invitation of going with a partner and before that I had always attended events with the Duke.
"The Queen will be with the King for the night. Do you want to go with us?" Aramis nods to me. I smiled at the man.
"Yes that would be lovely, we could catch up," I say looking to the others before continuing, " and it would give me the chance to get to know these new musketeers. Will you not have to arrive together, I would think the King would require you to be by his side for the night?"
"Well he may not need all of us." Arthos looks to the others.

 "Aramis will you stay by Y/N's side for the night, keep her out of trouble." Porthos shoots me a wink.
"Since when do I need someone to keep me out of trouble?" I smirked.

 "Since I've known you. As I recall, you were the one to get us in the most trouble." Porthos laughed and shook.
"Alright alright, it might be nice to have a handsome musketeer by my side." I winked towards Aramis and I could see a ghost of a smile and a blush to follow.
"It would be an honor Lady Y/N." he bows slightly.
"Oh please, no need to be so formal, just call me Y/N." I smile broadly at him.
He nods his head slightly and I can see a hint of a smirk on his face. I only then hear the toll of the bell from overhead. When I look up, I see its almost three pm.
"I didn't realize it was so late, I'll have to get going, the Queen will need me to help her get ready." I went to bow but then stopped and quickly hugged my old friends, not forgetting about D'Artagnan and lastly Aramis. I could feel my face heat up slightly.
"I look forward to seeing you later Y/N." he whispered in my ear as I pulled back.
I gave a quick wave and then sped off to find The Queen, we would certainly have a lot to talk about before the Masquerade.

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