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It was late into the night, stars glittered in the pitch black sky while the faint sounds of life echoed through the empty town.

An occasional car rumbled past, dogs barked at the moon, reckless and drunk teenagers roared at something from the only house that was still awake.

My phone on my bedside table was on full volume and charging, like it is all nights when I go to bed.

It was 11pm and I had to work in the morning.

It was frustrating working on break, you literally couldn't do anything.

I couldn't stay up, go to party's or do stuff with my friends during the day.

But the break was over in a few days so I didn't have to worry, tomorrow was my last workday.

I was just drifting into sleep when my phone buzzed like eight times. "Ugh." I leant over and switched it on silent.

A minute after I'd rested my head on the pillow, I could literally hear my phone vibrating against the table.

In pure frustration I flipped on the lamp and pulled my phone off the charger and checked what it was all about.

Turns out my best friend Gabby had..uh she'd sent me 9 messages.
I typed my pass code in and read through her messages.

Zoe guess what?!!!





Are u ignoring me :/

PLEASE THIS IS important



What in bloody heaven could this be? Gabby never sends more then 2 messages in the same day, let alone 15 minutes

What?! I need to sleep Gabby, working tomorrow.

I typed back. Immediately she read it and started typing. and in 5 seconds nearly I got a response.

Okay okay, but this is important. Uh Luke Hemmings just asked me to Ben's party!!

Uh god I thought it'd be something like this. Boyfriends, partys, dates.

Stuff I don't have time for.

I texted back great and then completely shut off my phone.

The next day went in a blur, me only focusing on work and getting it done. Before I knew it, the day was over and I was collapsed on my bed, scrolling through my Instagram feed.

Gabby texted asking if I was going to Ben's before-school party.

Of course I was...but I'd be the low key loser no one payed attention too.

Ben Racer was a school jock who pretty much all the girls fawned over.

Hot, flirty and a complete jerk.

He hosted a massive party at his house before school started and when school ended for the year. Everyone went, even some college kids.

The party started at 6 and would go on into the night until everyone was off their face and were passing out.

After an extreme amount of effort, I lifted myself up and dug through my closet.

When I finally found an outfit, nearly all my clothes were tossed on every object in my room.

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