I tilted my head, "well me and Naruto are alike in some ways. We aren't the same exact person. Same goes for everyone else, you two are different in some ways and alike in others." I tried to explain.

She nodded and looked at him, " he seems antisocial, hn."

He cracked a smirk and looked away, I laughed. "Oh he isn't THAT bad... But more so than you." I shrugged and elbowed Sasuke.

He looked down at me then nodded to her, "hey... I'm sasuke." He said simply and I rolled my eyes.

We hung out for a while until it started to get late, Sasuke nudged me. "We need to get going." He said it waving to Sasakia as we headed out. I swung by my place and got my personal things. I had to leave my clothes since none would fit me. I took photos of everyone earlier so I could have them.

I spotted Kakashi at the gate with everyone else. I ran over to him and grabbed his hand smiling up at him. He smiled at me and then we all held hands. Goodbye... I looked back at Sasakia, Saku and the others. I smiled at them one last time...

"Other world jutsu!"

"She is over here! Sasuke is already gone! " I was being shaken awake by someone. My head hurt only a little bit this time and seemed to hurt less each time.

I opened my eyes and Sakura came into view. I sat up and rubbed my temples. Then I started to cough... Ugh...

"She's coughing up blood!" Sakura cried out and pushed me back down. She started to use her healing jutsu. She was looking up and down my body seeing if I was injured in any way.

I felt Kakashi coming near, " could this be the side effects the scrolls had been saying?" He said, worried. He leaned over Saukra staying out of her way but looking over me as well.

"She is fine... Looks like it was just minor... She shouldn't ever go through it again." Sakura warned kakashi. She looked down at me, giving me a stern look, " Next time you might not be okay..." She said it again.

I sat up and sighed, I wasnæ't as thick as Naruto. She didnt need to tell me twice. " is everyone else okay?" I asked, looking around it was just us three.

"Everyone is fine, they have headed back, Lady Hokage told everyone to just go home for today." Sakura told me and helped me up. Kakashi was behind me protectively.

I nodded and then started to fall backward. Kakashi caught me of course. He swept me up and told Sakura to get home and rest.

I closed my eyes for a second but when I opened them I was in Kakashi's bed and it was morning. I looked around and panicked, "Kakashi?!" I yelled out.

The door opened and he walked it, "You're finally awake... It's been a few days." He told me and sat at the end of the bed and patted my foot. "You look a lot better." He said it but his face said he was worried.

I let a breath out, falling back, " God... I never want to do that again..." I grumbled.

"Good because you never will." He said it sternly to me.

I turned my head to look at him and laughed at his face, " oh Kakashi... Relax..." I said it and started getting out of bed. He stood up to stop me but I swiftly moved out of the way. "I'm okay really... I am very hungry though." I said it just as my stomach grumbled.

He looked down , "I've been eating ramen mostly..." He had so much regret in his voice that I giggled.

I tapped my chin, "well go to the store and get food."

He gave me a funny look, "you know I can't cook..." He said it in disbelief.

I shook my head at him, "well I know that! I'll cook silly... Get miso paste, noodles, mushrooms, green onions, carrots, eggs, milk, oil and tofu. Then any meat you want." I told him and started to walk into the kitchen and he followed.

"Alright I think I can manage that." He said it with a closed eye smile then poofed.

I went to my apartment and got a change of clothes before going back over to kakashi's, to shower. I like his shower better, it was more up to date. As I was showering I noticed my bruises had gotten worse and started to freak out.

"Kakashi?!" I called out after a moment and there was no reply so after finishing up I just decided to wrap it up and tell him later.

I got dressed into a pair of pj shorts and a sports bra. I went into Kakashi's room and opened his closet door rummaging through his clothes, and found a black hoodie. I pulled it on and went into the kitchen and started to get the pans ready.

I heard Kakashi poof and turned running over to help him with the bags. "Thank you ,kakashi." I sorted out the foods and he sat down at the table to watch me. After I started on the noodles and everything else I went over to the table and started to chop up carrots.

"Is that mine?" Kakashi asked me as he stole a carrot and munched on it.

I looked up at him like a deer in headlights, I hadn't asked for it... Was he upset? "I'm sorry... " I said unsure, biting my bottom lip.

He smiled and shook his head, " I don't mind, you're always sneaking into my clothes." He tilted his head, "how come?" He asked.

I blushed, " I just like to... Makes me feel like you're close and they are comfy...they also smell like you..." I fumbled. I was telling the truth, the truth just suddenly didn't sound good.

He seemed like he was thoughtful as I told him, "ah I see... Too bad I can't wear your clothes." Then we laughed.

I tilted my head and frowned. Kakashi really didn't have anything from me or to remember me by... I rubbed my chin and jumped up, " hey where is my bag?" I asked.

He pointed toward the door and I ran over rummaging through it until I found a necklace I used to wear all the time until I had come here. I looked at kakashi, "close your eyes!" I ordered and waited for him to obey.

He chuckled but closed his eyes and I rushed over and put it around his neck, it was simple so he could wear it and not feel stupid. It was a stone that had a special glow to it whenever the person who wore its heartbeat picked up. I just thought it was a pretty rock so I made it into a necklace. I kissed kakashi on the cheek then went over to the noodles. "Alright your free." I told him and stirred the noodles.

"That was a necklace I made, I used to wear it all the time. I have another one but I want you to have it... Since you have nothing to remember me by." I explained to him.

"Thank you Naruko... It means a lot. Hold on." I turned back to see him vanishing into his room. I shrugged and went back to cooking.

I focused on dinner until, hands grabbed me and pulled me back. He turned me to him and then put a necklace on me. "This is a charm I usually carry on me for good luck... But since you're my good luck now... I want you to have it. My dad gave it to me." He explained it to me. His face was thoughtful, but there was pain in his eyes.

It was a silver k on a silver chain. "Thank you ." I whispered then hugged him. "I love you so much...." I whispered. It was simple like mine, it was nice to think we would have at least this.

After a while of holding each other, my attention was back to cooking... I really did love Kakashi... I thought about it as I looked back at the peaceful and content Kakashi. He looked happy... I was happy.

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