Chapter 28: Finals

Start from the beginning

  "Please? You're the only person I want to go with." He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

   I shook my head. "You know how I feel about this..." I told him as he caresses my cheek with his fingers.

   He looked so put out. "I wish you'd say yes.  You stood up to Ansley, everyone is respecting you. Prom would be great. Especially if you're there with me." His sweet voice pleaded.

   I sighed rubbing my forehead. "I can't. You know that. I'm sorry. But no." I told him unlocking the car and getting in and starting up the engine.

I just really wished Adrian understood why I couldn't go. It wasn't what anyone thought, it wasn't that I didn't like him, it was that I wasn't ready.

I wasn't ready to be with him, even if it wouldn't mean anything, even if we went to prom as friends, I don't think I could handle it yet.

I couldn't expect anyone to understand, but I couldn't help it. I was a girl. I girl with low self esteem and trust issues due to a haunting past of abuse and fear.

I could see Adrian in the rear view mirror. He looked Into my souls and I couldn't look into those amazing eyes any longer.

   I focused back onto the winding jungle roads home.

   Cassi had left a note on the fridge.

   Aylin, I had a meeting at the office, should be back around 10 pm, your dad and I are going out to dinner afterwards.
Be safe, -Cassi

       I clipped the note behind the magnet again and went up to my room. As soon as I came in I flopped onto my bed face first.

   I groaned into my pillows, trying to slip off my vans without untying them which by the way is not the brightest idea I've ever had.

   I ended up on the floor. I did finally get them off though so I guess it wasn't too bad.

   My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I pulled it out to see an incoming call from Wyatt.

    "What?" I answered the phone, huffing at the hair in my forehead falling into my eyes.

   "Hey what are you and Amy doing tonight? She told me she was busy when I called." He shuffled the phone around and I heard him strumming his guitar.

  "Uhh.. We're going out to dinner at Tahiti Nui. Why do you wanna know?" I asked curiously.

    "I um... wanted to ask her tonight." He told me shyly.

   I giggled. "Awe! Well you should call Tahiti Nui and ask them if you can play your song tonight, I mean it's open for gigs and I'm sure if you tell them it's important they'll totally let you do it!" I suggested.

    "You're a genius! God I love you." I could hear his smile. His words made me smile.

    "I know, I'm amazing! Anyway, call them like right now and I'm gonna get ready it's almost 4:30 and I haven't even begun to get ready so bye!" I hung up before he could say anything else.

I threw on a pair of clean leggings and a nice tank top with swirls on it. I hurriedly pulled on my sandals, grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone and headed out to my car, calling Amy in the process.

Curves In A Bikini (Completed & Partially Edited)Where stories live. Discover now