Chapter 5: Awkward Plane Ride

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Mari walked into her mothers room. It was surprisingly still neat like always. "Hey Mari! I am almost done I just have to do my make up and I'll be there!" Marzia said and folded more clothes. "Okay mom and Uh have you seen Dad?" Mari asked. "Yea, he's in his gaming room." She responded. Mari nodded and went to her fathers gaming room. She stepped inside and heard her father talking to someone on the phone. "Hey, yeah, okay I'll see you there!" Felix said and put his phone back in his pocket. He turned around and saw his daughter. "Hey what's up!" He said and patted her back. "Who were you talking to on the phone?" Mari asked. "Oh we're gonna bring Jacksepticeye, Cinnamontoastken, and Markiplier's family along with ours to Japan! Is that okay?" Felix said. "Oh my god yes! I miss Cinni! I can't believe I get to see her again!" Mari shouted. "How excited can you get?" Felix asked. "How many more good news are you gonna give me?!" Mari said back.
"I have no idea!" Felix said.
"Then you should stop because I feel so excited that I'm gonna barf!" Mari said sarcastically.
"Okay!... Oh and can you check on your brothers? I feel like they are not ready." He said and pointed to the doorway. Mari looked and saw Nutella hand prints all over the walls. "Oh geez!" Mari said and ran to Billy's room. Felix chuckled at how crazy his family is.
"BILLY! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!???!?!?" Mari yelled and barged into Billy's room. Billy jumped onto her covered her face with Nutella. "Dude!" Mari said and pushed Billy off. "Are you ready to leave?" Mari asked wiping the Nutella off her face with her sleeve. "Wait we're supposed to be packing?" He asked. Mari groaned and face palmed. "Look, I'll get Max and send him over here to help you pack your man stuff." Mari assured and walked to Max's room, this time she knocked. "Come in!" Max yelled. Mari barged in and smacked Nutella on Max's face. "What was that for?" Max asked. "For not watching your damn bro! I'm the only girl here and I don't have to do shit for Billy. Okay?" Mari said. "Okay fine!" Max said back. "Anyways, are you ready to leave?" Mari asked. "Oh yea, is this enough?" Max said and pulled three big luggage bags in cute, girly designs. "Uh yea I think that's enough." Mari said. Max pulled all his luggage out, struggling. Mari ran to her room and took out her luggage. Mari stared at Max who was doing nothing and gestured him to help Max. Max got the message and ran to his brothers room.
Mari got bored in the living room waiting for the rest of the family to get done packing. She got out her phone and played her fathers song 'Fabulous!'. She texted her friend Elizabeth, the daughter of Markiplier.

Little_Muffin: yo did u here about da news?🙊
Chedderbobliz: yea! I can't wait 2 see u there!😂
Little_Muffin: me 2😄
Little_Muffin: I is bored as butts😑
Chedderbobliz: oh well I'm just playin' vid games!😎
Chedderbobliz: we'll see you later I'm like almost dying!💔
Little_Muffin: Boi!😜

Mari set down her phone and groaned. It's so boring.
After a while Felix and Marzia ran to the front door with Mari,Max, and Billy. "Okay is everybody here!?" Felix asked phone in hand ready to call one of his friends. "Yea!" They all said. "Okay now C'mon! The rest of the family is waiting at the private plane!" Felix said and opened the door and the family ran out to the car. Marzia opened the back trunk and Max helped stuff the luggage in. "Uh Felix the luggage can't fit!" Marzia exclaimed pushing harder. "Yea looks like Billy, Mari, and Felix's luggage will have to wait." Max said. "Wait WHAT?!" They all said. Mari and Felix looked at the trunk and saw that it was only Max and Marzia's luggage. "Oh c'mon Marzia! Can we at least have more room! We only packed one bag!" Felix said. Marzia was about to say something until Max stepped up. "Can you guys just squeeze your bags next to you?" Max said in the most innocent voice he could. "I Uh um... Uh... Ugh fine." Felix agreed and told the kids to squeeze their bags next to them which caused them to groan. Max and Mazia shared a small smile and walked inside the car. "Kay is everyone comfy?" Felix said, Mari and Billy whined about how it's obvious that they are not comfy. "Okay okay, look the ride isn't that long!" Felix said. Then they drove off to the airport.
They finally arrived and ran to the front doors. "Oh my god we only have fifteen minutes! Go GO!" Felix yelled and they all ran faster. Billy was on Felix's back and was holding on for dear life. Mari held most of Max's luggage and was sweating like crazy. Max held onto his big bag on his back and Marzia was behind, since she was running in high heels. They made it through the doors and didn't stop running . They passed Markiplier, Cinnamontoastken, and Jacksepticeye. They were all surprised and Felix motioned them to run with them. So they did.
They got to the metal detectors and Mari looked at Grayson. He kept getting nervous. "Hey dude are you okay?" Max asked Gray. "Huh oh yea it's fine!" Gray said. Mari definitely knew something was up. She walked up behind him. "Hey Gray how bout you go next!" Mari said and pushed him through. "No!" Gray said and the metal detector beeped loudly. The officer went and did a full body check and found a play station wrapped around his belly. Jacksepticeye laughed. "So stupid, he forgot a controller." He said and walked through a metal detector. It beeped loudly. They officers checked him and found the controller. "How did that get there?!" Jack said. "Your a deep sleeper." Gray said and smiled awkwardly looking down.
"Thank you for the thorough search officers." Felix said get the rest of the luggage. "The plane leaves in 2 minutes! Go, GO!" Marzia said and they all ran off.
Mari looked around to find a seat. She wanted to sit next to her father or at least her brothers but the only seat left was next to Gray. Mari cringed. She hated Gray. One of the reasons was because he has a crush on one of her best friends, NMO, and he was way to nerdy for her. Second, is because he always tries to act better than her just because he is more smarter and always wins at any game. Max noticed Mari's cringe. "What's wrong with Gray? He looks fine." Max asked her. Max and Gray were best friends, but not too best friends cuz Max doesn't want to get to attached to him. "Can we switch seats?" Mari asked. "No! I can not have the crush on him! He is to cute." Max said and blushed. "Ugh fine but you will owe me big time!" Mari threatened. She put her bags on the top bunk and took out her dead pool bag. She sat slowly in the seat and tried getting as far away from him as possible. Gray tried reaching for his bag that was on the floor. Mari thought that he was reaching for her knee and start talking to her so before he could get his bag Mari spoke. "Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" She said. Mari pushed Gray's hand away. He was so confused. Gray was wearing his headphones the whole time and he didn't even know Mari was even there. "Hey Mari?" Gray said and fake smiled. "Heh... Yea I'm just gonna watch a movie while you do your thing." Mari said and got out her iPad.


Mari: I LK PIE
Idk what just like it and live on with your face and feces!
NMO.333 1/5/15

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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