It's All About Jackson.

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My Name is Kacy Hill, and I'm 13 years old. I currently live in southern California with my mom, dad, and brother, Jackson. I have fiery red hair and eyes that are two different colors; Blue, and green. My face is a pile of freckles. I'm 5'5 and my birthday is on December 8th.  I like sleeping in, and if you wake me up early, you're not going to survive.

Chapter I; It's All About Jackson.

 Kacy's Point of View:

 "Kacy get your butt out of bed and wake up!" my older brother Jackson yelled at  me from downstairs.

"Shut up and get a life!" I quickly replied back to his stupid order. I love and respect my brother, but sometimes, he can really get on your nerves. Plus, it's 7 am on a hot July morning. Who would be up at this time anyways? It seems that Jackson ignored my reply, but I didn't care anyways.Today was the day that I'd sit back and relax. It is summer, after all. Even though my family moved far away from the beach two years ago, I can still smell the salt of the ocean water, and the sun is shining brightly, just like it once did when living on the beach. After a minute of trying to go back to sleep, I had finally decided to get up and start my day. I then slowly creep out of bed and place my feet on the cold, bare wood floor.

I glance around my plain boring room with plain boring pale green walls and pale pastel colors on all of my furniture. So creative. "Hurry up and get down here!" exclaimed Jackson impatiently. "What-fine! I'm going downstairs just as you want me to!" I angrily scream while stomping down the tan wooden steps and into the kitchen. All I see is an idiot holding a frying pan and  messed up crappy burnt pancakes with dead bacon on a plate, nicely placed on top of our kitchen bar counter. Beautifully topped with a wrinkled napkin and fork at the plate's side.  "I made you breakfaaaaaast~" Jackson cheerfully says while smiling. Too cheerful. Way too cheerful for 7 am. Wait, what's with the cheesy smile. Now I really know that something's wrong. "Okay, what do you want now?" I swiftly answered to his, eh-em, too cheerful of a morning greeting. "What do you mean, what do you want now? Can't an older brother be nice to his little sister...just because?" Jackson asked. My eyes sharply darted around the kitchen." What are you hiding and where is  it?" I boldly asked. 

"You're just suspicious over true kindness. What the heck is wrong with people these days." Jackson muttered to himself while grabbing a glass with his left hand before telling me, "Sit and eat." I stepped back and yelled, " Why should I trust you? What's wrong with you? What have you done with the true Jackson I know?!" Jackson was then pouring orange juice into the small glass."Sit down,shut up, and eat the freaking food before I spill this orange juice on your hair." "Now there's the Jackie I know and hate~" I thankfully proclaimed. "Wait, Jackson, aren't you right handed?"I suspiciously asked.

"Yeah, forever and always a rightie." Jackson grinned and sat the glass onto the bar counter next to my plate. "Did you....just....say....rightie?"I asked in utter belief. "Yes, and what's been going on this morning. You've been acting weird, asking if I was Jackson and stuff."He replied," And sit down." 

"Okay okay, I'll sit, And I'm perfectly fine actually." I arrogantly replied while attempting to sit on one of the bar stools. Yes, attempted. Even though I'm 5'5 I can still have trouble on those freaking stupid bar stool things. "I was just wondering if you were on your time of the month, and you're extremely happy right now. Wait, no, PLEEEEASE don't say that this is one of those movies where the girl's older brother starts to have a crush on her and then eventually falls in love with her. Please do not go there. If you went there then I'd slap the heck out of you. If you even tried then I'd make sure that you could never receive a birthday present or text no matter how many people nor how fast they text or send you a present. You know what? I'll kill you so fast that you'd never even be able to say I love you--"

"Kacy, shut up! Please! You're destroying my ears! Shut UUUUUP" my stupid older brother then interrupted. "See?! Exactly! There's your man period coming in!" I say, smirking and poking at my burnt piece of bacon with my fork. "Well, I'm sorry for whatever the heck I did. And where did all of this man-period stuff come from anyways?" I stop poking my bacon, look at Jackson in the eye with the most serious face that someone can ever give a person and say, "Thank you. And a man period is what happens when I guy lets himself go, or stops going to the gym or surfing regularly and suddenly develop giant man-boobs." 

"I do not have man boobs, and the reason why I stopped surfing was because there is no way to surf without a beach." Jackson angrily muttered,taking off his blue and green striped polo shirt and walking to a nearby mirror. After glancing at himself for a few seconds he then replied, "See? I don't have man-boobs." I chuckled and stated,"They're developing,Jackie, it only takes like 3 days to have full man-boobs.It's part of the man-boob cycle!" Jackie only responded by saying "The man-boob cycle....? AND DON'T CALL ME JACKIE!" Jackson put his shirt on the counter, opened the door(with a struggle) and then ran outside onto our front lawn. "Bye Jackie~!" I yelled, wondering where he went. Ew. My bacon's soggy now. And that fool forgot his shirt.

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