"Brooke, this bastard fucking deserves a good ass kicking." Damn he's one ball of anger right now. "Just don't Josh, please."

"Fine." We ignore the comments for the rest of the ride, just sitting there. Me, staring out the window, and him staring out the front of the bus, his body still tense and ready to fight. After a couple minutes, I feel his eyes on me again. I glance over and as soon as I do his arms wrap around me, pulling me into his chest. "I know why you cut now Brooke, I know why you're hurting. And I'm going to fix it okay? It's going to get better angel." His chin rests on my head. I feel safe around him surprisingly, it's weird. "Okay Josh, thank you." I smile into his chest and he lays a kiss upon my head. Oh. My. God. What's happening here? We reach the school, his arms still around me, a smile gracing both of our faces. We look like idiots, happy idiots. "You want me to show you where the office is Josh?" I ask him as we walk into the school. "Nah Brooke, I gots it. Thank you though."

"Yea no problem Josh. See ya later."


I don't get it. Why are they so mean to her? She is one of the nicest, kindest, sweetest people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I could literally kill them for saying that crap. And she just sits there, ignoring it, or at least acting like she doesn't care. Which, I do know she cares, her wrists scream out for help. I completely get why she cuts now. But what I don't understand is how her parents don't notice the scarred arms. They are completely oblivious to their daughter's pain and the fact that she's hurting so badly. Like seriously, I just don't understand. I reach my locker, since I already got all my stuff from the office yesterday. A girl is standing there watching students pass like they are her minions and she's a ruler. "Hey, I'm Courtney. You new here?" She smiles, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "Yea, I am. Name's Josh." I open my locker and put some of my stuff in it. "Nice to meet you. Oh, and there's this chick with red hair here, her name is Brooke. Don't talk to her, she is real bad news." Are all the people in this school nasty ass mother fuckers? Seriously, it's like everyone is on a constant period. Even the guys. "Brooke is my friend Courtney, as well as my neighbor." I spit out through my teeth, seething, not that this bitch notices. "Really? C'mon, you can do so much better than her." Her eyes dare me to defy her again, she's like a snake. "If you're talking about yourself, then no thanks. Believe it or not, Brooke is way more wanted and special than you are right now." Her smile disappears and she pushes me up onto the locker, her body pressed up against me. "Don't mess with me Josh, it's a mistake you don't want to make. I'm high up on the social caste here, you are the new kid, today defines where you stand on it, and right now, even though you are sexy as hell, aren't doing so well. So I suggest you change the crowd you hang around." Then her lips press against mine, the first since Ariel's... I push her away and she is smiling wickedly. "See you later Josh, and if you want any more action, you know exactly where to find me." She flaunts away, spreading the halls like Moses does with the Red Sea. Like damn, what the hell is with the people in this school? And how don't the teachers notice it?

I walk into my first class, and all the students have already filled up almost all the seats. Looks like I'm late, well at least it's just the first day. "Nice to see you finally arrive Mr. Fragran. Since it is your first day I will let it slip. But if it happens again, you get a detention. Understood?" God, talk about strict. "Yes sir." I nod and take my seat in the back of the class. "Now as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted, flip to page 583 and read till the end of the chapter. Then answer all the questions and write an essay about the city of Athens. Whatever you don't finish will be homework." Well damn this place gives a lot of work.

As the class ends I've finished the reading, questions, and just have to write the conclusion for the essay. The girls in the class also keep staring at me, and it's weird. Like, really weird. It's just, none of these kids like Brooke, and to me, that's close to being insane. They most likely pick on her for no reason other than being jealous of how gorgeous she really is. The bells rings and I walk out of the class. A burst of bright red streaks through my vision, going into a closet. I walk over quickly, but it's shut tight and locked. I knock on the door, maybe she'll let me in. "Brooke, sweetie, it's me, Josh." I can hear her crying, and it's tearing my heart to shreds. "G-go away Josh." She stutters, the crying not allowing her to speak. "Brooke, sweetheart, let me in please let me in." The door unlocks and I open it, walking in, then shutting it behind me relocking it. She looks horrible, her eyes are all red, and her hair is all over the place, the tears are streaming down her face making some strands stick. I sit down next to her and lift her onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her. She sobs and sobs and sobs into my chest. After the bell rings and the students are in their classrooms, she becomes quieter, just shaking with tears streaming down her face. I wipe them away carefully and tuck her hair that I can reach behind her ears since her head is resting on my chest. "What happened Brooke?" I swear I'm ready to kill whoever did this to her, but that will be later. "You know the guy on the bus?" She says sniffling. What the hell did that little fucker do to her? "I have first period with him and he kept on..." she trails off, crying again, her hands clinging to my shirt. "Kept on what Brooke? I need you to tell me, please." My voice breaks at the end and I sound helpless, and feel it too, just watching her sit in my arms and cry. "He kept on...rubbing up and down my legs with his hands and making sexual comments." I am going to kick his ass. "I'll take care of it Brooke, I promise." I kiss her head, I seem to be doing a lot of that lately which is weird for me. I'm not normally a touchy feely person at all. "Don't be stupid and get hurt Josh."

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