Chapter 1

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    "Hey!" a familiar voice yells at me from across the hallway.  "Bitch!"  They come up behind me, taunting me, like they do every single day of my life. Not that they care how I feel, a fact they prove every single day. "Brooke you're nothing you know that right?  You are never going to have anyone that loves you, cares about you.  You will just end up being a little old cat lady in a little old house near a river where you'll drown yourself out of loneliness." I keep walking, my head down, looking at the ground going by me, ignoring those who make my life miserable. It doesn't even seem like I'm in my own body anymore, I don't feel anything, they have turned me into a robot.  No emotion whatsoever, which is new because I used to feel at least something.  This is normal for me though, the bullying.  They used to be my friends, back when we all got along...  "Hey Brooke. I'm talking to you!  Don't you dare fucking ignore me you whore."  Then she came forward and pushed me to the ground hard, my head hitting a locker.  Well damn...That hurt.  I look up at her, my eyes shooting daggers.  "You going to do something?"  She said tauntingly looking at her friends who were all laughing as I sat on the ground, my song book, binder, and all my homework and notes, scattered on the floor.  I kneel on the ground and try to gather my things before they rip them to shreds.  I can hear them laughing as I walk to my next class.  Not wanting to get pushed down or teased again, I bow my head, watching the floor as I walk to my next class. Unconsciously, I pull down my long sleeves so my arms full of scars are hidden from the world, just like they should be.

    It started, the bullying started, in seventh grade with just teasing and being ignored but lately it has just gotten worse, and it's stopped affecting me.  For the most part, no one talks to me or even looks at me.  The worst part, the people who don't bully me. The ones who just ignore. They just watch and say nothing, they are bystanders, therefore as bad as the bullies who are actually inflicting harm upon me with words, silence, and shoves.  They just don't care, no one does.  Which is sad really, and I pity the people who are in the exact same place as I am.  They don't deserve it, no one does.   I quickly walk to my seat in math class, late as usual.  It's as if I'm not there at all no looks, no nothing, not even the teacher acknowledges how late I am to this class anymore.  Ever heard the saying ignorance is bliss?  Well, it's a lie, ignorance isn't bliss it's more like depressing, at least for me.  I can't wait to go home, or at least on the bus, where my only friends are, even though they are on an app on my phone.  I could use it in school, like I'm about to do, but it will just end up getting me in trouble in any other class.  They don't bully me or bring me down, they support me and accept me for who I am.  Which is amazing, because not even my own family cares enough to notice me. If they would, I probably wouldn't be in this state of complete and utter depression.

Only a couple more hours left of this version of hell.  Thank god.  I don't think I could deal with it if it were any longer than that.  I sneak my phone out of my pocket and slide it under the desk a little bit.  My Math teacher, Mr. Rolande, doesn't care at all, which is great.  He just drones on and on about the properties of cubes and all that crap. Don't get me wrong, I know it's important-ish to know but still... I mean, when are we going to use this in our lives?  It's not like all of us are going to become mathematicians or construction workers.  Why is it even necessary to learn this if we are just going to forget it later on in our lives since we won't use it?  I hide my phone better as the game starts loading, better to be safe than sorry right? Soon enough it's done and I go to the chat room on the game, also known as Global Chat or, GC.

Me- Hey everyone!

Katness- Hey gurl rnt u in school?

Me- Yeah I am but math is boring...

GuessWho- Hey

Me- Hey Max! How r u?

Katness- Yeah... I getcha.  How are your wrists?

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