MWBF 133

295 27 3

A Week Later


"We are gathered here for the memorial service of Malik Tristan Smith." The preacher said.

Nicole held my hand the entire time, until it was time for her to speak. She got up when her name was call and I went with her.

I don't really have anything to say because I don't really know him. I'm just going up there to support Nikki.

"My cousin was an amazing person. He was my best friend and I'm going to miss him dearly. He was like the brother I never had, when I lost contact with my actual brothers. We done a lot of things we shouldn't have done, but we had fun doing them anyway." She paused to smile. "He was very protective of me. He never thought nobody could treat me right, but he was wrong. Malik, I wish you could've seen how happy I am. I'm really going to miss you."

I rubbed her shoulder and a few tears fell.

"Malik, please remember in the 25, almost 26 years God has given you. You are loved and always will be."

We walked off the stage and watched the rest of the ceremony.

My Wife's Best Friendحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن