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"I kissed his neck to get him weak, so I could push him off and that didn't help." I said honestly.

"What else happened?"

"After my brothers showed up, Michael helped me take a box in my room and he kissed me again. Before I told him that was a one time thing."

"It obviously wasn't." She muttered.

"Anyway, he said this one time thing wasn't going to work. I told him it has to and he said he wanted an affair." I said and looked at her.

"That bastard." She said and took out her phone.

I snatched it and threw it in my purse.

"What the hell?"

"Let me finish, Tat." I said.

She nodded and I continued.

"I went to Nick's hotel and saw you two having sex." I said.

"That how Michael knew I cheated." She said.

"I'm sorry, but Nick told Michael himself." I said.

She gave me the look to finish.

"Michael came over after he found out and we were cuddling in bed. He was very upset. We ended up having sex again. Then two months later, you came in the middle and caught us. You know the rest. Tatiana, you know I would never hurt you on purpose." I said.

"I know. I forgive you, but you have to be in his life now." She said. "My husband, who has a low sperm count, got you pregnant before me."

"Michael has a low sperm count?" I asked.

I didn't know that. Why would he keep this from me?

"He didn't tell you?"

"Side chick aren't supposed to know everything." I said and we laughed.

It felt good laughing with her.

"Can I meet them?" She asked.

I nodded and texted my dad to cancel his plans with the twins.

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