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"There's a woman, a man, and two small children." The female paramedic yelled.

They opened the door and pulled Michael out.

He groaned and grabbed his arm.

"You're going to be okay." They helped him up and went back to focus on the other three.

"There's a gas leak!" A cop yelled.

They broke the window in the back and pulled Shané out and her brother.

"Boy has a very little pulse and girl has a broken wrist and cuts!" The cop yelled.

Paramedics took them and rushed them to the hospital.

It took them about ten minutes to rescue Nicole. As soon they pulled her, the car exploded.

"Get her to the hospital and him, too." A paramedic yelled.

I'm going to do this early. I want take the time to tell you that it's almost the five month anniversary of 'My Wife's Best Friend.' The book as gotten 11.4k read and 1.06k votes. I want to thank you and it's starting to heat up more.

Also, little thing. Krista and Katherine don't like either other. You'll see what I mean in the next few updates.

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