Chapter 1- The Bet

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Harry's POV

"It's wouldn't have worked out anyway love-" I reach out for her hand but Taylor jerks away from my touch and looks at me in complete disgust. "Don't you dare touch me Styles! I'm so done! We're over!" She shouts at my face and I watch her stomp away like all the others do. Why are girls so dramatic?

"There goes another one, Harry," One of my best mates, Liam Payne says as my other friend, Zayn Malik and him walk up behind me. "I honestly don't even know what you saw in her in the first place."

"Who cares?! She's just like the rest anyway, trying to soak up some popularity. We need to focus on football anyway mates." I shrug it off and strides back towards the field.

"Surrree..." Zayn comments quietly.

"Oh come on! I can get anyone I want, whenever I want!" I shout to them from across the field.

"You keep telling yourself that mate!" Zayn says between chuckles. "I've never seen you have a real relationship with one decent person in my entire life!" I roll my eyes and hear Liam join in laughing with Zayn and soon we're all laughing.

"I could have a real relationship with any decent person. Have you forgotten I'm a wonderful catch?" I say gesturing to my toned and tanned body.

"Alright then, if you think you can get anyone how about a little bet?" Zayn says with a mischievous look in his eyes. He knew that Harry could never pass up a bet.

"Great idea Zaynie! Take your best shot!" I shout back haughtily. Zayn walks over to Liam and they have a whispered discussion for a bit. Then they turn around smiling like idiots. This can't be good.

"Alright Haz, we are going to pick a person we think is decent and you have to get the person to fall in love with you." Zayn explains.

"Alright seems easy enough-" I respond but Liam cuts me off. "Oh that's not all! Since you think you're so above everyone the catch is that you cannot fall for the person we choose." Liam says smirking.

"No problem. I've never fallen for anyone before," Harry says with a shrug. "And this won't be any different." Looking around he notices it's starting to get dark and there weren't that many people at the park anymore. "Come on boys! Let's get in another game before it's time to go!" Liam and Zayn get back into position.

"Harry Styles tears his way down the field and there is no stopping him. Goal post in sight and without any hesitation Harry kicks the ball." Zayn commentates from the goalie net. "The ball flies through the air then whoosh Liam kicks it off course!"

The ball flies off the field and rolls its way toward two guys standing on the sidelines. I'm about to walk over to retrieve the ball but I'm frozen in place by the most amazing blue eyes I've ever seen.

Louis's POV

"Oh come on Niall! We have so much homework to do and we're just sitting here!" I whine to my best friend Niall Horan, trying to get him to stand up.

"Calm down Lou. We've been working for hours, taking a short break isn't going to kill us." Niall says back completely relaxed lying down on the grass. I groan and plop down next to him.

It is a beautiful day today. A prefect day to play football, and we would be playing if the three most popular guys in school weren't practicing on the field for the upcoming season. I watched them play out of the corner of my eye. They were really good which is obvious since Harry was the caption of the school's varsity team and Zayn and Liam were his backup. He could hear Zayn commentating from his position in the net.

"Alright Lou, let's go, it's starting to get dark anyway." Niall says with a sigh as he stands up.

"Finally!" I say happily jumping up. But I was stopped by a football flying towards us. Niall keeps it up for a bit doing some complicated looking tricks and passes the ball to me. I don't know what gave me the idea to do it but I gave the ball a good kick sending it flying into the net. Everyone stood there, frozen, as they notice I just scored a goal on the schools best goalie. I look up at Harry Styles, the most popular guy in the entire school, and see him staring at me intently.

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