"Beautiful name." He said before lacing his fingers with mine. "Come on I'll show you to your locker." I nod as he took my schedule. We walked for a bit down a hall before he stopped and turned to me. "This is the English Wing, but we call it the E wing for short." I nod as we started walking again.

Again he stopped after going left down another hall. "This is the History wing or the H wing, across from the H wing and right of the E wing is the math wing or M wing." I nod. E wing, right of E wing M wing, left of E wing H wing. "Keep going straight on the E wing and it goes to the S Wing which is science. The colors change too. E wing is all orange, H wing is all red, M wing is all blue, and S wing is all green. Then if you take a right off H wing you go to L wing which is all a lilac color. L wing is the language wing where you have all different foreign language classes.

"Then if you take a right off M wing you enter the Note Wing. The Note wing is back and white with all notes because it's the music wing, but we can't have two M wings so we call it The Note Wing." I nod taking it all in. If you take a left of the H wing you enter the cafeteria. You take a left off M wing you enter the gym. Then if you go straight into S wing you soon come to the Auditorium where we have assemblies, plays for drama, and other things. Any questions?" He asked.

"Ya what wing is my locker?" I asked. This made him laugh.

"Right sorry. Frenchmen have their lockers in E Wing because it's closest to the front doors so they can't get lost easily. The sophomores are in M wing, us juniors are in H wing, and seniors are in S wing. Then you have all the music people locker in Note wing. Those people are the ones who does band and chorus and such and need lockers for the instruments and outfits. Then in the L Wing you have the Art people lockers because the art rooms are apart of the L wing because half the rooms are Spanish, French, and Italian while the other half are filled for drawing, sculpture, and painting." I nod at this.

"Okay thanks." He gave me another smile and nod.

"This is your locker which actually happens to be beside mine." He says giving me a crooked grin. My twin's is on the other side of me and you have Tylek on your other side." Great so I'm not getting rid of these guys any soon.

I smiled and nod. "Weren't there two others of you guys?" I asked and Trex sighed.

"Ya Slade, the oldest of us, graduated last year and his younger brother Sasha is in the middle school. He'll be a Frenchman next year." I nod at this.

I opened my locker and put my bag in. "I was told all I need was-

"A laptop, tablet, or ipad." He said nodding. "All out books are online. Then we take notes in our notebooks or get papers passed to us. All you need is a note book for each class, a folder for each class, and one of the three devices." He says and I nod. "You can't use phones though." I sighed, but nod.

"I actually have both an ipad and laptop. My laptop I take notes off of so I won't need note books because I'm deaf and can't hear the notes." He nod looking apologetic. "And I can't look at the books while taking notes on my laptop so it's best I use both." He nods.

"Right sorry." He says and I just smile.

"Don't be. I'm used to it." He sighed at this.

"You should have to be used to people forgetting your disability or treating you like shit because of it." I smiled at this.

"You know you're the first to call it a disability. Even teachers, principals, and foster parents don't. Hell even my social worker don't." He smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Well I think it's rude if I call you deaf." I blushed and put my laptop, 9 folders in my bag, and my ipad. I have a rather small bag so it fits all good.

My classes are







7-sign language-Mr.Carper



"So how does the schedule go?" I asked looking at him.

"Well on A days you have 1,2,3,and 4 classes. On B days you have 5,6,7,and 8 classes. Then on C days you have 9,1,3, and 6." I nod at this.

"Okay thanks."

"No problem. You always have lunch right after your second class. There is no first, second, or third lunches here. We all just eat after the second class. We can eat outside anywhere on campus or eat in the cafeteria. My brothers and I eat on the backdoor steps. If you want you can eat with us. The back doors are all the way down S wing to the doors beside the Auditorium." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks Trex." This made him smile largely.

"Sure no problem. Now what class do you have first?"




"Aw that sucks. I mean we're in the same class, but I wouldn't want to push Weathers on you."

"She mean?"

"No. Boring. She goes on for long monologues. With her we do notes all during class. She's making us read the Great Gasby at home and doing vocab for it. We also answer these questions sheets about the book. In class she goes on and on about what the chapter we read is about and then switch to poetry." He says rolling his eyes. "It's so boring." I just shrug and before I could stop my mouth I said,

"Well I mean your in the class with me so I'm sure it won't be bad at all." I blush bright red when I realized what I said. "I mean-

"So you like being in my classes?" He asks making me blush brightly. "Let's just see what other classes we have together." He said taking my schedule. We have English together, Drawing, Gym, Health, History, and Science." He says smiling. "Trix is in all the same classes. You only have Math, Sign language, Writing, and drawing without us."

"Sign language I have most likely alone. I usually have the school bring in a private tutor to teach me." I say before heading to English with Trex.

"I'll walk you to Math after English."

"You don't-

"I want to." He says smiling at me. I smile back. Maybe Florida won't be all that bad.

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