Kiba shrugged, " well things are finally settling down... Your little surprise set everything into motion again."

I heard a grunt from behind me and turned to see Ben (ten-ten)on the ground twitching Kakashi's foot on his head. I looked at Kakashi raising a brow, he stared down at the boy annoyed then at me. "He was going to touch your..." He glanced as my butt then looked away. I laughed nervously looking down at Ben worried, then hearing laughing my eyes darted to Ino and some other boys. Kakashi had a sharp look in his eyes but then he looked at me and sighed.

I sighed, " just don't kill them, OK? " He bowed to me before vanishing and the boys screamed running off.

Everyone was staring after him in wonder, " is that kashia?" Kiba asked with a head tilt.

I nodded, " her male version yes ... But I find they aren't alike that much. He's surprisingly clean, reads and too cold sometimes." I said it as I walked with them and Kiba nodded. I filed them on the details as we spent a few hours catching up, it made me realize how much I missed having girl friends. I would have to connect with the others.

As we caught up and they seemed actually interested in life over there, I spent most of my day with them until I was starting to need alone time and went to head out. Kiba asked to talk to me alone and so here I was, we sat on a bench in front of swings.

" So you decided on staying there?" She asked in a sad voice. She was curious.

I nodded, swinging my legs back and forth. "Yeah... I love Naruto and Kakashi, even Sakura and all of them too much to leave... It's just not the same... I care about you all, I just can't live without them. " I tried to explain. " I spent too much time over there."

She nodded and got up, " It's alright, It's better to choose what's right for you. I better head home or my dad will kill me.... It was great seeing you again Naru." She hugged me fast then ran off. She looked a bit sad.

I watched after her and frowned, I felt bad for choosing the other world but I wouldn't change my mind. I got up and looked up at the sky and the stars twinkled at me. So pretty...

I looked around uneasy though... Kakashi was right... This place just felt off. Where was he anyway? I heard a group of people walking my way laughing and took to the roofs. People... Had I become so part of the other world that this place was no longer my home?

I ended up sitting on Kashia's roof looking over the city. I saw Kakashi walking on a wire near me. He looked like he was trying to keep himself busy, lost in thought. I smiled and laid my head on my knees and watched him. He made it across with no problem. He was now on the roof with me but I don't think he saw me yet. He made his way across the roof. He walked past me and then jumped down off the edge. I got up and ran after him jumping down. He was walking down the street slowly looking up at the stars.

I smirked and went after him. I ran silently up behind him and just as he turned around to swing I ducked and swung my legs out. He jumped and tried to land a few kicks on me while I was down but I flipped back. Of course he was there before I could even finish getting from my hands to my feet so I sprung on my hands and kicked him across the face.

He stumbled back and I landed then went up to the stunned kakashi and punched him in the stomach sending him flying back. I of course held back just as he was, he was on his back so I pounced on him sitting on his chest. I smiled down at him but his eyes were closed, his chest unmoving. I rolled my eyes and decided to mess with him. I started to run my hand down his stomach to the brim of his pants and the instant my fingers dipped under the fabric the tiniest bit his eyes flew open. I pulled my hand back laughing, " dead my butt." I said with a wink and jumped up.

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