Chapter 33

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*Author's Note*

Two chapters in one night because you all are definitely worthy

Alex's POV;

Tobin didn't wake up for the rest of the night, or the following morning at that.
The midfielder always tried to cover up her uncomfortableness and uneasiness when it came to an uncomfortable situation; but she was never very good at it.

Alex debated back and forth between going to see Serv or not. But she realized that she needed the closure in order to be completely over the relationship.

She rolled over to look at the clock by her bedside, 8:43.

The younger girl informed her ex she would meet him at 9:30 for breakfast, so she forces herself out of bed.

Dragging her seemingly lifeless body to the bathroom, she winces at the light as it hits her sleepy eyes.

She splashes water on her face on an attempt to take some of the drowsiness out of her.

It doesn't work.

The striker never fell asleep last night. She always struggled to sleep when worried.

She puts some toothpaste on her toothbrush and begins brushing her teeth.

Then, footsteps creep into Alex's ears and the door opens shortly after.

Tobin looks at her with squinted eyes. Her usually loose ponytail was now on a whole new level. Stray hairs fell out all over and the midfielder moved them out of her face every few seconds.

The hoodie she fell asleep in was wrinkled now and pulled up on one side, revealing the smallest portion of the older girl's golden brown skin.

One pant leg was rolled up to her knee, the other, normal, while her hands were stuffed in her pockets.

Her body leaned on the door frame in an attempt to keep herself from wobbling over out of tiredness.

Alex grins admiringly at the adorable sight as Tobin yawns and wipes the sleep out of her eyes with the back of her hand

"Goodmorning" The striker spits the toothpaste out of her mouth and rinses it with water.

"Hey" The older girl smiles a lazy grin as she walks to the striker and engulfs her in a tight hug from behind, her chin rested on Alex's shoulder.

The striker smiles at her through the mirror, "How'd you sleep?" The younger girl asks.

"I would've slept better if you would have cuddled" The midfielder kisses Alex's cheek gently and the striker feels butterflies flutter in her stomach.

Relief set upon the striker as she notices that Tobin's mood is much better than it was yesterday.

"Come on babe let me go, I have to get dressed" Alex pries, wiggling in her girlfriend's grasp.

Turning around to face the midfielder, Tobin gives her a lustful look.

"Awe," she begins, her hands rubbing up down the striker's bare thighs. "Are you sure you want to get dressed just yet?" Her raspy morning voice asks in a sultry tone.

Alex felt conflicted between her personal desires and what she needs to do.

"Tobs, wait until I get back home," She begins, and Tobin frowns. "Then you can do whatever you want to me"

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