Chapter 17

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Alex's POV;

"Goodmorning sunshine," Kelley coos from the kitchen, kinking an eyebrow at Alex. "What was all the ruckus upstairs?" She questions, pouring coffee into a ceramic mug.

"Uh, Tobin fell" The striker chuckles as she grabs the coffee cup from Kelley.

"Hey! That's mine" Kelley cries as she reaches for the cup.

Alex steps back past Kelley's reach and takes a sip of the warm drink letting out a long, satisfied sigh afterwards.

"Hate you" The defender grumbles, sticking her tongue out at the older girl.

Alex hears Tobin coming down the steps and turns her gaze to examine the midfielder. The older girl gives her a dirty look & makes her way into the kitchen, totally ignoring Alex's presence.

"How did you sleep, Kel?" Tobin asks, reaching into the fridge for a carton of eggs.

Tobin never made her own breakfast & always begged the younger virl to cook practically every meal for her. The striker would be lying if she said she wasn't the slightest bit upset that Tobin was cooking for herself. But she tried to think nothing of if & concluded Tobin was trying to get back at Alex for teasing her upstairs.

"Like a baby in that bed of yours Tobin. It's God sent" Kelley sighs, leaning against the counter.

"She wouldn't know" Alex whispers in a low enough voice she thought only she could hear, but she was wrong.

"What?" Kelley asks, smiling curiously.

"Nothing" Alex replies, throwing a smirk at Tobin, but Tobin didn't look.

She watches as the older girl struggles to crack the eggs without spilling the whites all over the counter. Tobin bites her lip in concentration & Alex can't help but laugh as she gets up from the barstool to help her.

"Do you need some help there, champ?" Alex laughs, staring at Tobin's side profile as Tobin continues making a mess of their kitchen.

Tobin ignores her, so Alex just watches & Kelley realizes the amusement that Tobin's providing by laughing at the older girl.

"Tobin you're getting egg all down the front of the cabinets" Kelley laughs, pointing down at the egg soaked wooden doors.

Alex sees Tobin blush in embarrassment & she feels a small slice of victory. If Tobin wanted to make this war it could last forever because both girls were competitive by nature. So it depended solely on which girl can push the other over the edge sooner.

After a good 5 minute struggle, Tobin manages to get the mixed up eggs into the frying pan. But not after she burned her finger trying to pick an egg shell out of the hot pan, while Kelley filmed the whole thing and tweeted it without the midfielder knowing.

"Here you go Kel" Tobin says, handing the defender a plate of slightly overcooked scrambled eggs.

Alex furrows her brow at Tobin, "What? I don't get any?" She asks, but the older girl walks around her, brushing her shoulder slighting against Alex's as she follows Kelley into the living room.

"So what's the plan for today guys?" Kelley asks, biting into the eggs and scrunching up her face immediately as she sets the plate on the glass coffee table.

Alex smiles at the sight and watches as Tobin forces herself to enjoy the eggs she made.

"Honestly, nothing as of right now" The striker shrugs, leaning back in the arm chair.

"Well, no offense Tobin, but those eggs were awful. I'm going to go for a run and get real food. So you 2 love birds enjoy some alone time" Kelley smirks, rising from the couch and making her way to the door.

UncertaintyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ