Chapter 5

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Tobin's POV;

The remainder of the drive back to the apartment her and Alex shared was fairly silent. Their hands never left their place entangled in one another's. Tobin would sneak small glances at the striker next to her occasionally, just to see her eyes fixated on the road. Tobin also noticed Alex peeking at her occasionally. This extracted a small smirk from the midfielder. She wasn't sure what was going on between them, and however bad this sounds, Tobin was glad to hear Alex hesitant and guarded about her relationship with Servando. Don't get her wrong, of course apart of Tobin felt angry and upset that Alex was having issues with Serv, but the majority of her feelings were that of hope. She wanted to be here if anything happened with the striker and her boyfriend. She wanted to comfort her & let her know that she's here for her. And that if things didn't fall through with Servando, she would be there to pick up the pieces.

Her thoughts are interrupted by the sudden jerk of the car stopping. She looks up from her lap and out the window to see the familiar building that houses their apartment. The red bricks meet concrete steps, at a bright white door. The flowers that Tobin and Alex had planted outside the building months ago, still grow and have even spread. She smiles at the memory, as she examines the yellow flowers.

"Hey! Knock it off! I already showered today!" Alex groans, wiping the dirt off of her face that Tobin had just tossed at her.

"Sorry, superstar" Tobin replies, sticking her tongue out at the younger girl beside her.

Alex rolls her eyes jokingly at Tobin's use of the word "Superstar" she hated it when Tobin called her that, and Tobin knew it. So of course she called the striker superstar every chance she got.

Alex continued planting the small flowers into the soil. As Tobin watches her concentration, making sure each plant is covered in the same amount of soil as the one beside it, making sure they each get watered the same amount of time. Tobin loved this about Alex, she was caring, nurturing, patient, and giving. She treated each small plant as if it would burst if she held it the wrong way. She acted as if the flower beside the other would feel sad if a different flower got more water. Tobin could watch Alex do daily activities for hours, just studying her mannerisms and habits. It was in that moment that Tobin realized she loved Alex, not just the love you have for a friend. But she was in love with Alex. But she would never admit it. She couldn't ever admit it.

*End of Flashback*

Tobin entered the main floor of the apartment building and made her way up the stairs with Alex trailing behind her. Alex had insisted that she carried Tobin's luggage for her, and Tobin insisted the other way. A 3 minute argument about who would carry the bag ended with Alex tickling Tobin into releasing it. Tobin hated losing, even at trivial things like carrying a bag. But seeing Alex pleased with her victory made Tobin forget her own competitive side.

Tobin reaches for the doorknob, but turns around for Alex's approval before turning it. The striker gives her a nod of approval and a small smile & Tobin turns it. Immediately hit with the familiar scent of coffee and fresh picked flowers that flooded the place they called home. She glances around the apartment seeing small candles lit everywhere & a banner hanging in the kitchen that days "Welcome Home!" With her name attempted to be written in next to home but it didn't quite fit. Tobin laughs at Alex's attempt, and she looks back at her laughing. Alex starts giggling too & turns red in embarrassment.

"I tried, okay?" Alex says in-between laughs. Slowly getting closer to the midfielder.

Alex drops Tobin's bag by the door as she wraps her arms around Tobin's waist. Tobin stiffens slightly at the unexpected embrace, but quickly relaxed at the familiar feeling. She wraps her arms around Alex and holds her close.

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