Chapter 26

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Tobin's POV;

Light hit the midfielder's eyes in the most undesirable way it possibly could, causing her body, that was moments ago still, to wiggle tiredly, trying to escape the rays in any way possible.

"Come on Tobs, you can't sleep forever" A familiar voice beckons, immediately causing Tobin to relax. She felt as if she could drift back into sleep any minute.

"Just five more minutes Lex, please?" Tobin tosses the covers over her face, blocking the light Alex attempted to provide.

"Tobin please, everyone's going to be here in like ten minutes and you're not even close to being ready!" Alex complains and Tobin knows without looking that the striker is pacing nervously about the hotel room. 

To please her already anxious girlfriend, she complies with her wishes, knowing that Alex needs her to be calm, collected, and by her side if the striker has any hopes of successfully getting past today without having a nervous break down.

Tobin drearily drags herself out of bed, immediately throwing her hand up over her eyes to block the sun's powerful beams.

Just as she suspected, the younger girl was pacing nervously around as she chewed on her fingernails.

Tobin grabs Alex's wrist and smirks at her tiredly, "That's an awful habit"

Alex grins at her, and although she's smiling Tobin can visibly see how anxious the girl is. Alex never was one to deal with nerve-racking situations easily, she always was anxious before games or just about anything that could result in a negative ending. Tobin always tried to keep her steady and take the younger girl's mind off the possibility of a poor outcome. Constantly joking around or reminding the striker of how strong she is, and that she can't let her nerves get the best of her.

"Please shut those blinds" Tobin pleads, her voice still groggy from just waking up.

Alex shuts them quickly and sits down at the small breakfast table where an assortment of various foods is spread out. 

Tobin can feel her mouth watering at the sight and she slides over to the table, sitting down across the striker.

"Oh my God, I love food," Tobin gawks at the table, grabbing one of everything there and putting it on a plate. She looks up momentarily at the striker who's eyeing her curiously, "Did you eat yet?" Tobin asks.

"No, I'm not really hungry" Alex shrugs, breaking eye contact with the older girl.

Tobin knew that when Alex was side tracked by worries, she would forget to eat. This action never placed worry in Tobin's mind, but she was always weary that it might be a situation that she should pay closer attention to.

"Are you sure?" Tobin asks, a mouthful of toast.

Alex grins half heartedly and nods her head yes.

Tobin decides not to pry on the circumstance, not today anyway. Alex had enough worries & Tobin didn't want to push the striker any closer to the edge.

Tobin continues shoving the assortment of breakfast foods in her mouth, occasionally glancing at her girlfriend across the table. Alex's eyes were fixed on the midfielder in an almost uncomfortable way.

"Are you alright?" Tobin asks, slouching down in the chair, brushing her feet against the younger girl's under the table.

"Yes, why?" Alex's forehead wrinkles as her brows furrow.

Tobin crosses her arms over her chest, "I don't know you've just been staring at me nonstop for the past 10 minutes in a bit of a creepy fashion"

Alex tilts her head to the side, still focusing on Tobin just as closely as she was before the midfielder pointed it out.

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