Chapter 3

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Tobin's POV;

"Hey, kid, we landed... You might wanna get up" A deep voice speaks to her, while shaking her shoulder.

Tobin's eyes open and she glances around, until she meets the man infront of her's gaze.

"Thanks," She says smiling.

He gives her a small grin and a nod before making his way out of the plane. Tobin is gathering all her belongings, and then it hits her. She's seeing Alex. Right now.

Her pace quickens as she darts out of the plane and through the boarding tunnel, muttering some "excuse me" 's and "sorry" 's as she pushes past the people getting off the flight.

She darts through the airport to baggage claim. Scampering around looking for her duffle bag with her belongings, she looks and looks but can't seem to find it. Impatience takes over her & just as she's about to crawl through the luggage shoot. A voice beckons at her. She knows that voice all too well.

"Alex," She whispers. Her eyes widening as she climbs back onto her feet and turns around slowly.

The first thing she sees are the piercing blue eyes staring into her, as if they can see every secret that Tobin keeps. Then she sees the small smirk creep onto the striker's lips. Everything around Tobin is blurry except for Alex. Tobin's mouth is still wide open, as Alex walks closer to her, never letting the devilish smirk leave her lips.

"Looking for something?" The raspy voice chuckles, pulling up Tobin's duffle and swinging it infront of her.

Without thinking, Tobin pushes the duffle out of the space that sits between the 2 girls. And embraces Alex tighter than she ever has before.

"How'd you know?" Tobin sighs, smiling at the familiar scent of Alex.

"How'd I know, what?" Alex responds, wrapping her arms around Tobin's waist.

"How'd you know that was my bag?" Tobin asks, closing her eyes.

She feels Alex chuckle in her ear and she can't help but do the same thing.

"Maybe the fact that it had a U.S. Soccer logo on it, and literally said "Heath 17"' Alex giggles, shaking her head.

Tobin pulls away, (regrettably) and gets another look at Alex. She examines the change in Alex's appearance. She looks, good. She always has looked fantastic, but right now in this moment, Alex Morgan never looked more desirable in Tobin's eyes.

Tobin's thoughts are interrupted by Alex's voice, "Are you just gonna stand there and stare at me?" She chimes. Smiling at Tobin.

"Maybe," Tobin says, nudging Alex's shoulder with her own, as she picks up her duffle.

Alex just laughs and begins to walk away. Tobin quickly catches up & walks alongside the taller striker.

"We have quite alot of catching up to do," Tobin begins. Looking over at Alex as they make their way out of the airport.

"That we do," Alex begins as she looks back at Tobin, locking eyes only for a moment but it's enough to put Tobin's stomach in a frenzy.

"Care to start with why you were about to crawl into the luggage shoot? That excited to see me?" Alex says, quirking an eyebrow at Tobin.

Tobin just releases a small chuckle as they reach Alex's familiar Range Rover.

"Nah, I just really love my bag," Tobin says, hugging her bag and closing her eyes tightly.

She feels a small nudge on her shoulder and sees Alex laughing at her playfulness. Alex grabs the duffle from Tobin and tosses it in the back seat before opening Tobin's door for her.

"How was your flight? Are you hungry?" Alex asks, climbing into the drivers seat of the car & sticking the key in the ignition.

"Starving," Tobin begins, "Do you mind if we grab something to eat?" She finishes, patting on her stomach.

"Of course," Alex starts, "But first, I want to hear all about Paris," She says. Looking at Tobin momentarily.

Tobin thinks about everything that happened in Paris, the good and the bad. She thinks of all the parties, and dinners that would have been much more enjoyable with Alex by her side. She thinks about all the one night stands she had and how she wished all of them were Alex.

Tobin's eyes suddenly widen at her thoughts & she shakes her head vigorously trying to get them out.

"It was beautiful, I've never seen anything more breathtaking" Tobin speaks, but not honestly, because she has seen something more breathtaking than Paris, and that something is Alex Morgan. Paris' features were like nothing in comparison to Alex's features. Paris' crisp blue waters weren't quite as bright as Alex's eyes, It's bright white lights at night didn't shine quite as bright as Alex's smile. Alex was the most breathtaking thing that Tobin had ever seen.

"I wish I could have been there" Alex confesses, as her gaze is locked on the dark road ahead of them.

"I wish you could have too" Tobin whispers, inaudibly for anyone but her.

She glances at Alex and sees that Alex didn't hear her response.

"What was that, Tobs?" Alex asks peering at her.

"Maybe someday we can go" Tobin says, adjusting herself in the seat.

"I'd like that" Alex says, looking over at Tobin.

Tobin's eyes are burning into Alex's but, Alex's gaze unlocks with hers as she looks back to focus on the road.

Authors Note;
These first 3 chapters are probably going to be the shortest, I'm sorry if they're incredibly short but from here on out they'll definitely be longer! Thanks! x

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