Chapter 12: Five Years Later

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Chapter 12: Five Years Later


"I'll see you tomorrow boss." I hear my assistant Rachel say as I turn. She was standing by the door with her Hermes handbag over her shoulder wearing a short tight white dress with her short brown hair in a small bun. She was only eighteen but one of the best assistants I've worked for me. I wave at her, my hands covered in paint and I bet there is some on my face also but she was used to it. After working with me for a year, she knows how I work. "Bye Rachel, I will see you tomorrow. Have fun on your date." I say with a smile. I see Rachel's cheeks start to get red, "Thank you Mr. Wells, I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous. Brad and I have been together for two years now. You don't think he's getting tired of me right?"

I couldn't help but do a small laugh, "Rachel, you're over thinking it, just go have fun, dress nice and tell me all about it tomorrow. Deal? "I see a bright smile go on her face and she nods, "Deal." I see her about to leave but she stops and looks at me again, "Sir, can I ask you something?" I raise an eyebrow but nod, "Of course, what's up?" I ask and fully turn to her. "If you don't mind me saying, you're very handsome, and one of the riches bachelors in the world." I start to laugh, "What's your question then Rachel?" I see her do a small laugh as she moves her bangs out of her face, "Well my question is why you are a bachelor? You could have any girl in the world."

I had to sit there for a minute, people don't normal ask me this, but Rachel wasn't a normal girl, she said what was on her mind and nothing really phased her, she kind of remind me of a girlie version of Olivia. "Well Rachel, to answer your question, I'm a bachelor because I had a girl when I was a teenager, and I loved her. But I made a mistake and lost her forever. To me, I don't deserve love again. Plus, I don't want anyone else but this girl."

I see Rachel look at me with a shock look, "Wow... I didn't..." I put my hand up to stop her, "I know you didn't. Don't stress about it. Now." I say and stand and walk over to her. As I was walking over to her and I took out my wallet and pull out a few hundreds. "How about you get a new dress, maybe get your hair done and look more beautiful for Brad." I say as I gave her the money. She looks at me and then the money, "Sir... I can't..." But again, I put my hand up to keep her quite, "Don't argue with me Rachel, go have fun and I'll see you tomorrow." I say and push her out the door before she could fight with me again.

Outside the glass door I see her smile as she waves good bye and walks off. I smile to myself as I turn to my work and walk back to it.

It's been five years since I told Ivy to move back to New York, five years since I saw her laugh, her smile or hearing her say my name. I would see her on TV every now and then, she was even on Dancing with the Stars this year, and she won it with actor Ansel Elgort. From what I heard, they wanted her to be part of the crew but she didn't take the offer. It wouldn't surprise me if her dad told her not too.

She missed everything because of that man; she missed graduation, her last dance and worse, seeing the look on Olivia's face when Luke asked her to marry her. I know Olivia and her still talk and she knows they are to get married soon and Olivia wants her to be her maid of honor but who knows if Michal will let her go. I will always hate that man, for what he did to Ivy, for what he did to me, for what he did to both of us.

Luke and Olivia still live in our small town, Luke owns his dad's old business and he loves it, he always liked fixing cars though. And Olivia went to the college and got her degree as a teacher and now teaches first grade. She always loved kids and I think her working with kids helps her with not having kids of her own. Last year, they were trying to start a family and they found out, Olivia couldn't have kids. I never had seen her so broken before.

But a year later, they decide that after the wedding, they would adopt. Luke says that they should have enough money in a few years, little do they know I'm paying for them to adopt as their wedding gift.

I hear a bell breaking my thoughts. "We're closed." I say not even turning around. "Well that's not any way to talk to your best friends." I hear which made me turn to see Luke and Olivia. I feel my eyes widen as I run up to them and pick up Olivia in a hug and spin her around, then walked up to Luke and shook his hand before giving him a hug. "What the hell you two doing in Los Angeles?" I ask. "Well seeing our best friend of course." Luke says but he was rubbing the back of his neck. I know him well enough to know his hiding something. "And what else?"

"And to see Ivy performance... The dance that's up Emmy?" Olivia says. Shit, I totally forgot about the Emmys tonight and worse, I didn't know Ivy would be to perform... "You two are going to the Emmys? If I knew you guys wanted to go I would have got you invites too you know." I say and cross my arms. I've been living in Los Angeles for four years now, selling my paintings, having my paintings in museum around the world and now I've been hired to paint backdrops for some movies. I won't lie; it's been pretty exciting but... I would rather be back in our small town, holding Ivy.

"Oh we know but we had no reason to go until Ivy got nominated for her dance on Dancing with the Stars." Olivia says as she pulls her phone out of her purse and looks up at me, "I'm sorry I have to take this, its Ivy..." She says and quickly walks outside. I see Luke laugh as he pulls a toothpick out his pocket and puts it in his mouth. I laugh, "I see you're still doing that." He shrugs, "Force of habit." I roll my eyes and start to get clean up. "Have you even talked to Ivy since she came to this city?" I hear look ask.

"To tell you the truth Luke, I didn't even know she was in town. I haven't seen or heard from her since I broke up with her." "You didn't break up with her, you broke her. And you broke yourself by letting her walk away." Luke says which makes me stop. "I'm not having this talk Luke; it's in the past it happened five years ago." I say as I put my paints in the sink and fill it up with warm water to have them soak. "That's right, it happened five years ago. And how many girlfriends have you had since then? Or how many dates have you gone on?"

I turn my head at him and glare, "Luke, I dated Roxy again for a while after Ivy." "Oh she does not count, you went on one date with her and you did that because she bagged you too." I was starting to get angry now, "Fine I didn't date anyone since Ivy okay?" I say. "And that's because you want her back, you love her. And I bet she still loves you. So why don't you man up and go get her back." I hear Luke say which just pissed me off and I throw the rest of my paint brushes into the sink and turn to him.

"I fucked up Luke! Is that what you want to hear huh? I fucked up! I pushed the only girl I loved away from me because her father wouldn't let us live in peace if I was still in her life! So I let her walk out the door! And I hate myself every day because of it!" I say only inches away from him, my hands in a fist. I feel my body start to shake, "The day she walked out of my life, I died... I haven't been the same... And every day, I think about her and wish she was back in my arms." I say and look back at Luke just to see him smile.

I raise an eyebrow, "Why are you smiling?" "Because, you're going to tell her that tonight." He says and crosses his arms. I shake my head, "Hell no, she doesn't want to see me, plus how would I get to see her?" I say. "Well aren't' you giving the award for Outstanding Production Design?" I give him a look, "Yeah?" "Which means you'll be back stage with Ivy as she is getting ready for her performance?" I raise an eyebrow, "Yeah?" "And knowing you, you've watched her performance form DWTS that you must have it memories." "What are you thinking Luke?"

I see him give me a creepy smile as he walks over to me and grabs my shoulder, "I'm thinking I know how to get your girl back."

Hey guys! I can't help but keep writing this story! It's just getting to good to not keep going so I'm going to maybe finish this story tonight! So for now, this is my last Author's note until I am done! So let's see how this ends guys! Sorry for my grammar and spelling!

~Kitty Kat

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